Maple Mountain High School welding students take gold during competition

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Nebo’s MaplebrMountain High welding students did it again! National Champions for the secondbrtime.


The NationalbrChampion SkillsUSA Welding Fabrication team consisted of Ladd Davis, SambrChristmas, and Wyatt Justensen with advisor Jared Massic. Not only did the NebobrMaple Mountain High School team receive gold, but the Utah State UniversitybrEastern team won gold for the second time in a row with two of the teambrmembers, Tosh Davis and Ben Warnick, graduating from Maple Mountain HighbrSchool.


The other teambrmember is Nate Stagg, a graduate from Altamont High. Tyler Christmas, abrgraduate from Maple Mountain was on the high school National Gold Team lastbryear and is serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ ofbrLatter-Day Saints this year.


Another notable isbrthat two brothers, Ladd and Tosh Davis, were both National Gold Medal Championsbr– Ladd Davis is on Maple Mountain’s High School National Gold team and ToshbrDavis is on the Utah State University Eastern National Gold team.


The competitionbrconsisted of building donation boxes that were detailed and complicated. Out ofbr75 teams, only ten teams completed the challenge in the allotted seven-hourbrcompetition time.


The welded boxesbrwill be used by WaterStep to collect shoes to help micro-businesses inbrthird-world communities.


WaterStep also helpsbrprovide drinkable water to these countries through kits and proper training.


Just a bit ofbrinformation on these amazing students: Ladd Davis, Sam Christmas, and WyattbrJustensen won National Bronze last year and National Gold this year in the highbrschool division. Tosh Davis, Ben Warnick, Tyler Christmas (brother to SambrChristmas) won SkillsUSA National Gold as seniors (2017) and SkillsUSA NationalbrBronze as juniors (2016) at Nebo’s Maple Mountain High School.


This collegiate teambralso took National Gold last year so this makes Tosh Davis and Ben Warnick threebrtimes SkillsUSA National Champions.


The Maple Mountainbrwelding team is under the direction of Jared Massic. One side note is that thebrMMHS welding team was the only team that helped after the competition to helpbrtake down the entire competition set.


A committee memberbrfrom the National SkillsUSA Welding Fabrication approached Coach Massic andbrthanked him for all their help.


Nebo School District is so proud of our Nebo Heroes–Ladd Davis,brSam Christmas, Wyatt Justensen, Tosh Davis, Ben Warnick, Tyler Christmas andbrJared Massic

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Nebo’s MaplebrMountain High welding students did it again! National Champions for the secondbrtime.


The NationalbrChampion SkillsUSA Welding Fabrication team consisted of Ladd Davis, SambrChristmas, and Wyatt Justensen with advisor Jared Massic. Not only did the NebobrMaple Mountain High School team receive gold, but the Utah State UniversitybrEastern team won gold for the second time in a row with two of the teambrmembers, Tosh Davis and Ben Warnick, graduating from Maple Mountain HighbrSchool.


The other teambrmember is Nate Stagg, a graduate from Altamont High. Tyler Christmas, abrgraduate from Maple Mountain was on the high school National Gold Team lastbryear and is serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ ofbrLatter-Day Saints this year.


Another notable isbrthat two brothers, Ladd and Tosh Davis, were both National Gold Medal Championsbr– Ladd Davis is on Maple Mountain’s High School National Gold team and ToshbrDavis is on the Utah State University Eastern National Gold team.


The competitionbrconsisted of building donation boxes that were detailed and complicated. Out ofbr75 teams, only ten teams completed the challenge in the allotted seven-hourbrcompetition time.


The welded boxesbrwill be used by WaterStep to collect shoes to help micro-businesses inbrthird-world communities.


WaterStep also helpsbrprovide drinkable water to these countries through kits and proper training.


Just a bit ofbrinformation on these amazing students: Ladd Davis, Sam Christmas, and WyattbrJustensen won National Bronze last year and National Gold this year in the highbrschool division. Tosh Davis, Ben Warnick, Tyler Christmas (brother to SambrChristmas) won SkillsUSA National Gold as seniors (2017) and SkillsUSA NationalbrBronze as juniors (2016) at Nebo’s Maple Mountain High School.


This collegiate teambralso took National Gold last year so this makes Tosh Davis and Ben Warnick threebrtimes SkillsUSA National Champions.


The Maple Mountainbrwelding team is under the direction of Jared Massic. One side note is that thebrMMHS welding team was the only team that helped after the competition to helpbrtake down the entire competition set.


A committee memberbrfrom the National SkillsUSA Welding Fabrication approached Coach Massic andbrthanked him for all their help.


Nebo School District is so proud of our Nebo Heroes–Ladd Davis,brSam Christmas, Wyatt Justensen, Tosh Davis, Ben Warnick, Tyler Christmas andbrJared Massic

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