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Jake Harward ofbrHarward Farms will speak at the Springville Senior Center, 65 East. 200 South,bron Sept. 4 at 6 p.m.
His lecture,br“Farming in Springville,” will outline the benefits and challenges of growingbrproduce in the Art City. This event is free and open to the public.
Harward grew up inbrSpringville. In the mid-1980s his father planted a few rows of sweet corn forbrhis boys to grow and sell (to keep them out of trouble and earn money to buy abrfour-wheeler).
As a family-ownedbrbusiness, Harward Farms now grows 150 acres of corn, 150 acres of pumpkins, andbrhundreds of acres of vegetables and fruit every year. Since that first roadsidebrstand in the mid-80s, Harward Farms has grown to 26 roadside corn stands,brproviding their popular sweet corn and other quality produce throughout thebrstate.
Each year in October, Jake and his wife operate Jaker’sbrJack-O-Lanterns, a popular pumpkin patch with loads of activities and a varietybrof pumpkins their customers can pick out of the patch themselves. Jaker’s hasbrbecome a well-known attraction, drawing more than 50,000 visitors duringbrOctober.
brJake, his wife Sara, and their four children reside in Mapleton.
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Jake Harward ofbrHarward Farms will speak at the Springville Senior Center, 65 East. 200 South,bron Sept. 4 at 6 p.m.
His lecture,br“Farming in Springville,” will outline the benefits and challenges of growingbrproduce in the Art City. This event is free and open to the public.
Harward grew up inbrSpringville. In the mid-1980s his father planted a few rows of sweet corn forbrhis boys to grow and sell (to keep them out of trouble and earn money to buy abrfour-wheeler).
As a family-ownedbrbusiness, Harward Farms now grows 150 acres of corn, 150 acres of pumpkins, andbrhundreds of acres of vegetables and fruit every year. Since that first roadsidebrstand in the mid-80s, Harward Farms has grown to 26 roadside corn stands,brproviding their popular sweet corn and other quality produce throughout thebrstate.
Each year in October, Jake and his wife operate Jaker’sbrJack-O-Lanterns, a popular pumpkin patch with loads of activities and a varietybrof pumpkins their customers can pick out of the patch themselves. Jaker’s hasbrbecome a well-known attraction, drawing more than 50,000 visitors duringbrOctober.
brJake, his wife Sara, and their four children reside in Mapleton.