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Central Bankbremployees taught 3,137 children from 24 Utah County elementary schools in thebrAlpine, Provo City, and Nebo School Districts as part of the American BankersbrAssociation “Teach Children to Save Program.”


Each year,brCentral Bank employees look forward to spending many hours participating inbrthese local financial literacy programs that benefit and strengthen thebrcommunities of Utah County.


“There are manybrfacets of my job that I enjoy immensely and participating in the Teach Childrenbrto Save Program is definitely near the top,” said Connie Maxwell, a CustomerbrService Representative in Central Bank’s Lehi Office.


Teach Childrenbrto Save is sponsored by the ABA Foundation and provides bankers nationwide anbropportunity to serve their community and teach young children the importance ofbrsaving. Central Bank is one of only two local Utah County Banks thatbrparticipated in the Teach Children to Save Program this year.


“We feel a greatbrresponsibility to serve and educate our community, which is why Central Bankbremployees have participated in TCTS for the last several years. This programbrintroduces children to financial principles and provides them the tools theybrneed to successfully manage their money—and we are proud to be a part of that,”brsaid Mark Packard, Bank President.


Central Bank hasbrserved the communities of Utah County for over 128 years and currently operatesbr11 locations from the Point of the Mountain to Payson. Central Bank offers allbrmodern banking services and conveniences—mobile banking, online bill pay,bradvanced technology ATMs, and online financial management through its newbrplatform, Money Management—all without parting from its relationship-basedbrservice. (Serve Daily submission by Seth Ollerton.)

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Central Bankbremployees taught 3,137 children from 24 Utah County elementary schools in thebrAlpine, Provo City, and Nebo School Districts as part of the American BankersbrAssociation “Teach Children to Save Program.”


Each year,brCentral Bank employees look forward to spending many hours participating inbrthese local financial literacy programs that benefit and strengthen thebrcommunities of Utah County.


“There are manybrfacets of my job that I enjoy immensely and participating in the Teach Childrenbrto Save Program is definitely near the top,” said Connie Maxwell, a CustomerbrService Representative in Central Bank’s Lehi Office.


Teach Childrenbrto Save is sponsored by the ABA Foundation and provides bankers nationwide anbropportunity to serve their community and teach young children the importance ofbrsaving. Central Bank is one of only two local Utah County Banks thatbrparticipated in the Teach Children to Save Program this year.


“We feel a greatbrresponsibility to serve and educate our community, which is why Central Bankbremployees have participated in TCTS for the last several years. This programbrintroduces children to financial principles and provides them the tools theybrneed to successfully manage their money—and we are proud to be a part of that,”brsaid Mark Packard, Bank President.


Central Bank hasbrserved the communities of Utah County for over 128 years and currently operatesbr11 locations from the Point of the Mountain to Payson. Central Bank offers allbrmodern banking services and conveniences—mobile banking, online bill pay,bradvanced technology ATMs, and online financial management through its newbrplatform, Money Management—all without parting from its relationship-basedbrservice. (Serve Daily submission by Seth Ollerton.)

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