Community Action Food Bank searching for volunteers

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Community ActionbrServices and Food Bank, which serves people in Utah, Wasatch and Summitbrcounties, has an immediate need for volunteers to cover regular shifts in thebrfood bank, Monday through Friday.


The agency needsbrvolunteers to commit to regular hours for at least three months. It needsbrpeople from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 3brp.m. on Friday. Its greatest volunteer need is in the morning and between 2 andbr4 p.m.


Volunteers atbrthe food bank, 815 S. Freedom Blvd., take clients through the food pantry andbrinstruct them on what they can take.


“People in Utahbrare so generous with their time and money,” said Daniel Fillmore, volunteerbrcoordinator at Community Action Services and Food Bank. “We need your help nowbrto keep our food bank and food pantry running smoothly, and to help people inbrneed in our community.”


For morebrinformation about the food bank or to volunteer, contact Daniel Fillmore or (801) 691-5220.


About CommunitybrAction Services and Food Bank Community Action Services and Food Bank fostersbrself-sufficiency in families and individuals. The focus is on stabilizingbrfamilies with housing and food assistance, then providing help with programs,breducation and referral support to assist those who are struggling with


Since 1967 thebragency has been meeting basic human needs (like food, shelter, and housing)brwhile providing individuals and families long-term solutions to rebuild theirbrfinancial and social self-sufficiency. This can enable people to move out ofbrpoverty.


Community ActionbrServices and Food Bank helps change people’s lives, embodies the spirit ofbrhope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We carebrabout the entire community and are dedicated to helping people help themselvesbrand each other. We envision vibrant and sustainable communities where eachbrresident has safe and affordable housing, economic opportunities and people inbrtheir life they can count on. For more information, visit (Serve Daily submission by JenniferbrDurrant.)

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Community ActionbrServices and Food Bank, which serves people in Utah, Wasatch and Summitbrcounties, has an immediate need for volunteers to cover regular shifts in thebrfood bank, Monday through Friday.


The agency needsbrvolunteers to commit to regular hours for at least three months. It needsbrpeople from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 3brp.m. on Friday. Its greatest volunteer need is in the morning and between 2 andbr4 p.m.


Volunteers atbrthe food bank, 815 S. Freedom Blvd., take clients through the food pantry andbrinstruct them on what they can take.


“People in Utahbrare so generous with their time and money,” said Daniel Fillmore, volunteerbrcoordinator at Community Action Services and Food Bank. “We need your help nowbrto keep our food bank and food pantry running smoothly, and to help people inbrneed in our community.”


For morebrinformation about the food bank or to volunteer, contact Daniel Fillmore or (801) 691-5220.


About CommunitybrAction Services and Food Bank Community Action Services and Food Bank fostersbrself-sufficiency in families and individuals. The focus is on stabilizingbrfamilies with housing and food assistance, then providing help with programs,breducation and referral support to assist those who are struggling with


Since 1967 thebragency has been meeting basic human needs (like food, shelter, and housing)brwhile providing individuals and families long-term solutions to rebuild theirbrfinancial and social self-sufficiency. This can enable people to move out ofbrpoverty.


Community ActionbrServices and Food Bank helps change people’s lives, embodies the spirit ofbrhope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We carebrabout the entire community and are dedicated to helping people help themselvesbrand each other. We envision vibrant and sustainable communities where eachbrresident has safe and affordable housing, economic opportunities and people inbrtheir life they can count on. For more information, visit (Serve Daily submission by JenniferbrDurrant.)

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