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The SalmonbrSupper, as it was initially known, was started in 1954 by the Payson LDS ParkbrWard as a fundraiser social activity.


The Lindsay,brTanner, Christensen, Oborn, Williams, Rosenbaum, Broadbent, Beckstrom, Page,brEllsworth, Loveless, Montague, Hansen and many other families were involved.


Fresh salmon wasbrbrought in and grilled over applewood at the Payson Memorial Park. Generousbrportions of salmon, along with rolls, sweet treats and corn were served whilebrentertainment like Monte Taylor’s Dixie Land Band Played.


About 30 yearsbrlater, the LDS Church changed its fundraising policy and was going tobrdiscontinue the event. The Payson City Council stepped up to the “plate”brand converted it to the Payson Salmon Supper. The excess funds generated werebrassigned to civic projects, such as the new pavilion designed by BlairbrAndreason. City workers were all involved. The fire department grilled thebrSalmon. The Browns cooked the corn. The police and ambulance provided security.brThe high school athletes and cheer squad helped with set up and serving. Dozenbrof volunteers served and assisted.


Steadybrattendance growth has continued each year and now more than 5,000 were fed withbrfishes and provided extraordinary entertainment. Janeen Dean went high techbrthis year with online ticket sales and scheduled serving which reduced thebrquarter-mile line to a fraction. The Payson Salmon Supper is held the firstbrFriday in August each year. (Serve Daily submission by Don Dixon.)

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The SalmonbrSupper, as it was initially known, was started in 1954 by the Payson LDS ParkbrWard as a fundraiser social activity.


The Lindsay,brTanner, Christensen, Oborn, Williams, Rosenbaum, Broadbent, Beckstrom, Page,brEllsworth, Loveless, Montague, Hansen and many other families were involved.


Fresh salmon wasbrbrought in and grilled over applewood at the Payson Memorial Park. Generousbrportions of salmon, along with rolls, sweet treats and corn were served whilebrentertainment like Monte Taylor’s Dixie Land Band Played.


About 30 yearsbrlater, the LDS Church changed its fundraising policy and was going tobrdiscontinue the event. The Payson City Council stepped up to the “plate”brand converted it to the Payson Salmon Supper. The excess funds generated werebrassigned to civic projects, such as the new pavilion designed by BlairbrAndreason. City workers were all involved. The fire department grilled thebrSalmon. The Browns cooked the corn. The police and ambulance provided security.brThe high school athletes and cheer squad helped with set up and serving. Dozenbrof volunteers served and assisted.


Steadybrattendance growth has continued each year and now more than 5,000 were fed withbrfishes and provided extraordinary entertainment. Janeen Dean went high techbrthis year with online ticket sales and scheduled serving which reduced thebrquarter-mile line to a fraction. The Payson Salmon Supper is held the firstbrFriday in August each year. (Serve Daily submission by Don Dixon.)

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