Association selects Nielsen as school superintendent of the year

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Nebo School DistrictbrSuperintendent, Rick Nielsen, was named Utah School Superintendent of the Yearbrfor 2020 by the Utah School Superintendent Association.


He is in his 30th yearbrin education and is honored to serve Nebo District’s 34,000 students in 46brschools and programs as superintendent since 2010. Prior to his appointment,brNielsen’s career included service as a sixth-grade teacher, elementary school principal,brand district-level administrator.


Nielsen holds abrBachelor of Science Degree in Education and a Master of Education Degree inbrEducational Leadership from Brigham Young University. Nielsen serves on abrnumber of boards, including Utah Valley University Board of Trustees, Co-Chairbrof the UVU/MTECH K-16 Alliance, and Chair of the BYU/Public School


He is also the currentbrpresident of the Utah State Superintendent Association. Nielsen is well knownbrfor his unwavering focus on student success, commitment to positive energy andbrkindness, optimistic attitude, strong work ethic and professionalism.


His colleagues say:br“Mr. Nielsen is uncompromising in his quest for quality educationalbropportunities for all young people and sets a high standard of excellence forbrhimself and for others. He is one of the best ‘idea’ men in the business,brconstantly creating ways to make education more rewarding and personal to thebrstudents and staff of Nebo District. Rick is respected by his colleagues andbrpeers and has a way of inspiring everyone around him to become better. Hisbrability to interact with people is unparalleled. He is a good listener withbrexceptional people skills, a good sense of humor, and a congenial personality.brThese great interpersonal skills, coupled with his intelligence and wisdom tobrmake appropriate decisions when the stakes are high, make him one of the bestbrproblem solvers in the business.”


Nielsen is a proud Nebo District product, having graduatedbrfrom Spanish Fork High School. He and his wife, Karen, reside in Spanish Forkbrtoday and are the parents of five children, with one daughter-in-law. In hisbrleisure time, he enjoys reading a wide-variety of books, going to the theater,brproviding church service, and supporting student activities. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Lana Hiskey.)

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Nebo School DistrictbrSuperintendent, Rick Nielsen, was named Utah School Superintendent of the Yearbrfor 2020 by the Utah School Superintendent Association.


He is in his 30th yearbrin education and is honored to serve Nebo District’s 34,000 students in 46brschools and programs as superintendent since 2010. Prior to his appointment,brNielsen’s career included service as a sixth-grade teacher, elementary school principal,brand district-level administrator.


Nielsen holds abrBachelor of Science Degree in Education and a Master of Education Degree inbrEducational Leadership from Brigham Young University. Nielsen serves on abrnumber of boards, including Utah Valley University Board of Trustees, Co-Chairbrof the UVU/MTECH K-16 Alliance, and Chair of the BYU/Public School


He is also the currentbrpresident of the Utah State Superintendent Association. Nielsen is well knownbrfor his unwavering focus on student success, commitment to positive energy andbrkindness, optimistic attitude, strong work ethic and professionalism.


His colleagues say:br“Mr. Nielsen is uncompromising in his quest for quality educationalbropportunities for all young people and sets a high standard of excellence forbrhimself and for others. He is one of the best ‘idea’ men in the business,brconstantly creating ways to make education more rewarding and personal to thebrstudents and staff of Nebo District. Rick is respected by his colleagues andbrpeers and has a way of inspiring everyone around him to become better. Hisbrability to interact with people is unparalleled. He is a good listener withbrexceptional people skills, a good sense of humor, and a congenial personality.brThese great interpersonal skills, coupled with his intelligence and wisdom tobrmake appropriate decisions when the stakes are high, make him one of the bestbrproblem solvers in the business.”


Nielsen is a proud Nebo District product, having graduatedbrfrom Spanish Fork High School. He and his wife, Karen, reside in Spanish Forkbrtoday and are the parents of five children, with one daughter-in-law. In hisbrleisure time, he enjoys reading a wide-variety of books, going to the theater,brproviding church service, and supporting student activities. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Lana Hiskey.)

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