City council sponsors proposed recreation center for Santaquin on November ballot

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At the request of its residents, and a strongbrgrassroots effort, the Santaquin City Council is sponsoring a proposedbrRecreation and Aquatics Center on the November 2019 ballot.


This 66,000 square foot facility would include anbrindoor lap pool, kids pool area, one college regulation sized court and threebradditional smaller pickup courts configured for basketball, volleyball andbrpickleball.


Also to be included in the proposed recreationbrand aquatics center would be an indoor track, indoor soccer area with drop downbrnetting for batting cages.


Additionally, it will also have a large 250-personbrbanquet hall that can be used for the community’s seniors, veterans,brrecreational programming and for rental by the public for weddings and


Lastly, it will have child care facilities tobrmake it convenient for parents to exercise onsite.


This $12 million project would remodel the oldbrErcanbrack Fruit Packing shed at 580 West Main Street, providing a much-neededbreconomic boost and beautification of Santaquin’s western boundary.


The public is invited to take a tour of the facility on Oct.br5th at 9am. To learn more, go to Serve Daily by Benjamin Reeves.)

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At the request of its residents, and a strongbrgrassroots effort, the Santaquin City Council is sponsoring a proposedbrRecreation and Aquatics Center on the November 2019 ballot.


This 66,000 square foot facility would include anbrindoor lap pool, kids pool area, one college regulation sized court and threebradditional smaller pickup courts configured for basketball, volleyball andbrpickleball.


Also to be included in the proposed recreationbrand aquatics center would be an indoor track, indoor soccer area with drop downbrnetting for batting cages.


Additionally, it will also have a large 250-personbrbanquet hall that can be used for the community’s seniors, veterans,brrecreational programming and for rental by the public for weddings and


Lastly, it will have child care facilities tobrmake it convenient for parents to exercise onsite.


This $12 million project would remodel the oldbrErcanbrack Fruit Packing shed at 580 West Main Street, providing a much-neededbreconomic boost and beautification of Santaquin’s western boundary.


The public is invited to take a tour of the facility on Oct.br5th at 9am. To learn more, go to Serve Daily by Benjamin Reeves.)

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