Diamond Fork hosts BYU Dunk Team to promote theme ‘Stronger Together’

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Diamond Fork JuniorbrHigh hosted the BYU Dunk Team along with the Cougar Strong program to addressbrthe school about three major characteristics students can be:


Mentally Strong;


Physically Strong;


Socially Strong.


Diamond Fork JuniorbrHigh’s theme this year is “Stronger Together.” After hearing some great songsbrfrom the DFJH choir, the BYU dunk team emphasized how much stronger we can bebrtogether.


Coach David Eberhardbraddressed the students telling them, “We are not perfect.


“We will mess up, andbrit might not be pretty. As we work together and keep encouraging each other andbrtry again and again, we can achieve our goals and show you guys the bestbrdunks!”


The BYU Dunk Team andbrCosmo did just that.


The Cougar Strongbrteam, which consisted of five student athletes from multiple BYU athleticbrteams, spoke to the students about their duties.


The team encouragedbrthe students at Diamond Fork to be mentally strong, physically strong, andbrsocially strong.


Being mentally strongbrconsisted of always studying, turning your work in on time, taking care ofbryourself, and respecting your teachers.


To be physicallybrstrong means to abstain from drugs and alcohol, eat healthy foods, and getbradequate amounts of sleep.


While sharing about being socially strong, the teambrencouraged students to be friends with everyone, reach out to others, and makebrsure that their school could be a safe environment for everyone. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Lana Hiskey.)

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Diamond Fork JuniorbrHigh hosted the BYU Dunk Team along with the Cougar Strong program to addressbrthe school about three major characteristics students can be:


Mentally Strong;


Physically Strong;


Socially Strong.


Diamond Fork JuniorbrHigh’s theme this year is “Stronger Together.” After hearing some great songsbrfrom the DFJH choir, the BYU dunk team emphasized how much stronger we can bebrtogether.


Coach David Eberhardbraddressed the students telling them, “We are not perfect.


“We will mess up, andbrit might not be pretty. As we work together and keep encouraging each other andbrtry again and again, we can achieve our goals and show you guys the bestbrdunks!”


The BYU Dunk Team andbrCosmo did just that.


The Cougar Strongbrteam, which consisted of five student athletes from multiple BYU athleticbrteams, spoke to the students about their duties.


The team encouragedbrthe students at Diamond Fork to be mentally strong, physically strong, andbrsocially strong.


Being mentally strongbrconsisted of always studying, turning your work in on time, taking care ofbryourself, and respecting your teachers.


To be physicallybrstrong means to abstain from drugs and alcohol, eat healthy foods, and getbradequate amounts of sleep.


While sharing about being socially strong, the teambrencouraged students to be friends with everyone, reach out to others, and makebrsure that their school could be a safe environment for everyone. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Lana Hiskey.)

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