Especially for Athletes — Promotes Resiliency, Integrity, Synergy, and Engagement in Nebo Schools

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Salem Hills High School had the opportunitybrto host an Especially for Athletes seminar recently.


Especially for athletes is a programbrfounded here in Utah that strives to help student athletes be sociallybrresponsible and make a difference in the lives of others. Athletic Director,brLee Gillie, opened up the night by speaking to the students and reminding thembrof the athletic departments brand RISE; Resiliency, Integrity, Synergy,brEngaged.


Students and parents are held to the RISEbrstandard to make high school athletics a positive experience in the lives ofbrstudents that will help them long after graduation.


Especially for Athletes founder DustinbrSmith spoke to the student athletes of Salem Hills and their parents about thebrimportance of being an example in their schools, families, and communities.brGillie introduced the idea of the “Sport Light,” or a focus that can sometimesbrbe put on students because of their involvement in school sports.


Student athletes have a duty to developbrattributes through the sports they participate in and apply them in their ownbrlives. Student athletes can use their “Sport Light” to reach out to otherbrstudents and make friends or make a difference in their lives.


Some of the core principles that Especiallybrfor Athletes focus on are:


1. Win the hour 16-0. Don’t waste a minutebrof your day. We’re given 16 hours in the day to make a difference and bebrproductive, just like a season record you want to be undefeated every hour ofbrthe day. 16 worthwhile hours a day, zero wasted.


2. Compete without contempt. Especially forbrAthletes is state-wide program with multiple schools participating. Use sportsbrand competition to bring people together to enjoy things that students arebrpassionate about, not to create negative or hostile situations.


3. Be resilient. Student athletes have abrunique opportunity to use high school sports to help them be resilient. Bebrhappy for athletes that may be starting or playing ahead of you. Be positivebrand use positiveness to be resilient and to work harder to improve yourself.


4. Seek to bless, not to impress. Usebrskills and characteristics from playing sports to bless other people, not justbrto impress them. Salem hills has already integrated their slogan, “Eyes up, dobrthe work.” They have multiple banners and signs posted around their school tobrremind their students to keep their eyes up and do the work necessary to bebrsuccessful.


Other Nebo schools that are involved withbrthis Especially for Athletes program include Mapleton Mountain High, PaysonbrHigh, Spanish Fork High, and Springville High. (Submitted to Serve Daily bybrLana Hiskey.)

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Salem Hills High School had the opportunitybrto host an Especially for Athletes seminar recently.


Especially for athletes is a programbrfounded here in Utah that strives to help student athletes be sociallybrresponsible and make a difference in the lives of others. Athletic Director,brLee Gillie, opened up the night by speaking to the students and reminding thembrof the athletic departments brand RISE; Resiliency, Integrity, Synergy,brEngaged.


Students and parents are held to the RISEbrstandard to make high school athletics a positive experience in the lives ofbrstudents that will help them long after graduation.


Especially for Athletes founder DustinbrSmith spoke to the student athletes of Salem Hills and their parents about thebrimportance of being an example in their schools, families, and communities.brGillie introduced the idea of the “Sport Light,” or a focus that can sometimesbrbe put on students because of their involvement in school sports.


Student athletes have a duty to developbrattributes through the sports they participate in and apply them in their ownbrlives. Student athletes can use their “Sport Light” to reach out to otherbrstudents and make friends or make a difference in their lives.


Some of the core principles that Especiallybrfor Athletes focus on are:


1. Win the hour 16-0. Don’t waste a minutebrof your day. We’re given 16 hours in the day to make a difference and bebrproductive, just like a season record you want to be undefeated every hour ofbrthe day. 16 worthwhile hours a day, zero wasted.


2. Compete without contempt. Especially forbrAthletes is state-wide program with multiple schools participating. Use sportsbrand competition to bring people together to enjoy things that students arebrpassionate about, not to create negative or hostile situations.


3. Be resilient. Student athletes have abrunique opportunity to use high school sports to help them be resilient. Bebrhappy for athletes that may be starting or playing ahead of you. Be positivebrand use positiveness to be resilient and to work harder to improve yourself.


4. Seek to bless, not to impress. Usebrskills and characteristics from playing sports to bless other people, not justbrto impress them. Salem hills has already integrated their slogan, “Eyes up, dobrthe work.” They have multiple banners and signs posted around their school tobrremind their students to keep their eyes up and do the work necessary to bebrsuccessful.


Other Nebo schools that are involved withbrthis Especially for Athletes program include Mapleton Mountain High, PaysonbrHigh, Spanish Fork High, and Springville High. (Submitted to Serve Daily bybrLana Hiskey.)

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