‘Fateful day’ leads to opening of new business in Springville

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Through flurries ofbrsnow, Jose Landinez and his wife, Abby, watched from their car as Bill Brownbrwalked into his nearly newly-renovated office suite space on Springville MainbrStreet and taped a “For Rent” sign in the window.


“It felt like fate,”brJose said. “My wife and I looked at each other and it was obvious how excitedbrwe both were.” Jose went in to talk to Brown, and everything fell into placebrfrom there.


After working inbrseveral different insurance capacities over the past few years, Jose felt readybrto open his own Allstate agency, and the couple had been driving around lookingbrat different locations for a month or two.


“We had just arrivedbrto look at another place but were a little early—so we pulled into the onlybravailable parking space, which just happened to be in front of Bill Brown’s ArtbrMuseum. Not only was it a complete coincidence that we were there to see Billbrhang up the sign, but I had also been telling my wife that I wanted to havebrlots of art hanging on the walls of my agency and have art be a central theme–brso to have it be right next to an art studio was just too special to be abrcoincidence. It felt like a sign that Springville was the right place and thatbrwe’re meant to be here.”


Jose and his wife cutbrthe ribbon in front of their agency to celebrate being officially open on Sept.br20. In his speech, Jose shared his gratitude to his team of six, as well as hisbrfamily for helping him along the way. He shared special thanks to his dad, whobrimmigrated from Venezuela when Jose was only 4-years-old and sent money backbruntil the rest of the family was able to come over.


Jose was 9 by the timebrhis family’s visas were approved and they were reunited with their father inbrWest Jordan. He attributes his drive to succeed at creating a business to hisbrparents’ sacrifices:


“My dad always told mebrthat he worked like a donkey so that I wouldn’t have to, and I want to thank mybrdad for that and show him that his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”


In Jose’s opinion,brSpringville is the perfect place to start his business. He loves the communitybrfeel and the opportunity to be involved with city events.


“My wife and I feelbrlike we have been guided every step of the way. We have an amazing team of hardbrworkers, a beautiful location, a great community to serve and a great companybrname to represent. More than anything, I’m grateful to have a team that reallybrcares and genuinely wants to give their best. I feel like that’s rare and we’vebrbeen very blessed with the opportunity to open this agency and try to helpbrpeople with their insurance needs.”


The Jose LandinezbrAllstate Springville Agency is open Monday through Friday from 9-6 pm. Walk-insbrare welcome and the team is able to service people in English and Spanish. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Anita Lyons.)

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Through flurries ofbrsnow, Jose Landinez and his wife, Abby, watched from their car as Bill Brownbrwalked into his nearly newly-renovated office suite space on Springville MainbrStreet and taped a “For Rent” sign in the window.


“It felt like fate,”brJose said. “My wife and I looked at each other and it was obvious how excitedbrwe both were.” Jose went in to talk to Brown, and everything fell into placebrfrom there.


After working inbrseveral different insurance capacities over the past few years, Jose felt readybrto open his own Allstate agency, and the couple had been driving around lookingbrat different locations for a month or two.


“We had just arrivedbrto look at another place but were a little early—so we pulled into the onlybravailable parking space, which just happened to be in front of Bill Brown’s ArtbrMuseum. Not only was it a complete coincidence that we were there to see Billbrhang up the sign, but I had also been telling my wife that I wanted to havebrlots of art hanging on the walls of my agency and have art be a central theme–brso to have it be right next to an art studio was just too special to be abrcoincidence. It felt like a sign that Springville was the right place and thatbrwe’re meant to be here.”


Jose and his wife cutbrthe ribbon in front of their agency to celebrate being officially open on Sept.br20. In his speech, Jose shared his gratitude to his team of six, as well as hisbrfamily for helping him along the way. He shared special thanks to his dad, whobrimmigrated from Venezuela when Jose was only 4-years-old and sent money backbruntil the rest of the family was able to come over.


Jose was 9 by the timebrhis family’s visas were approved and they were reunited with their father inbrWest Jordan. He attributes his drive to succeed at creating a business to hisbrparents’ sacrifices:


“My dad always told mebrthat he worked like a donkey so that I wouldn’t have to, and I want to thank mybrdad for that and show him that his sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”


In Jose’s opinion,brSpringville is the perfect place to start his business. He loves the communitybrfeel and the opportunity to be involved with city events.


“My wife and I feelbrlike we have been guided every step of the way. We have an amazing team of hardbrworkers, a beautiful location, a great community to serve and a great companybrname to represent. More than anything, I’m grateful to have a team that reallybrcares and genuinely wants to give their best. I feel like that’s rare and we’vebrbeen very blessed with the opportunity to open this agency and try to helpbrpeople with their insurance needs.”


The Jose LandinezbrAllstate Springville Agency is open Monday through Friday from 9-6 pm. Walk-insbrare welcome and the team is able to service people in English and Spanish. (Submittedbrto Serve Daily by Anita Lyons.)

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