Groundbreaking ceremony first step in Santaquin’s quest for local market

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For years Santaquinbrresidents have asked, “will we ever get a grocery store here in town?” Thebranswer to that question is now be, “yes.”


A groundbreakingbrceremony was held on Oct. 14 for the new Santaquin Market, the town’s firstbrsupermarket, on the corner of 100 North and Orchard Lane.


The store will be partbrof the Associated Foods Group, and plans for the building include an AcebrHardware store and a possible eating establishment with a drive-through window.brThere is no set date for the completion of the store, but officials are hopefulbrit will be open sometime before the end of the summer of 2020.


Those donning hardhatsbrto participate in the groundbreaking ceremony included Santaquin Mayor KirkbrHunsaker, City Manager Ben Reeves, City Engineer Norm Beagley, Mark Ridley frombrRidley’s Family Markets, members of the Santaquin City Council, andbrrepresentatives from R & O Construction.


The turning of thebrdirt with golden shovels was completely ceremonial, as the actual work ofbrclearing the lot had been done beforehand with the help of a bulldozer andbrexcavator, which were still on site for the groundbreaking.


According to SantaquinbrCommunity Development Director Jason Bond, “This plan has been in the works forbrmany, many years.”


In 2011, Main Streetbrwas widened west of Interstate 15, and a traffic light was put in at 400 East.brThen, in 2014, a right-turn only lane for a new street, Orchard Lane, wasbradded, which will provide an easy approach to the site of the new store.brCurrent plans include the creation of a new street, 200 North, to allow betterbraccess for local residents.


And so, years of waiting by the citizens of Santaquin, andbryears of planning by city officials, are about to reach their culmination.brSantaquin will finally have its own grocery store. (Capellbris a Serve Daily contributor.)

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For years Santaquinbrresidents have asked, “will we ever get a grocery store here in town?” Thebranswer to that question is now be, “yes.”


A groundbreakingbrceremony was held on Oct. 14 for the new Santaquin Market, the town’s firstbrsupermarket, on the corner of 100 North and Orchard Lane.


The store will be partbrof the Associated Foods Group, and plans for the building include an AcebrHardware store and a possible eating establishment with a drive-through window.brThere is no set date for the completion of the store, but officials are hopefulbrit will be open sometime before the end of the summer of 2020.


Those donning hardhatsbrto participate in the groundbreaking ceremony included Santaquin Mayor KirkbrHunsaker, City Manager Ben Reeves, City Engineer Norm Beagley, Mark Ridley frombrRidley’s Family Markets, members of the Santaquin City Council, andbrrepresentatives from R & O Construction.


The turning of thebrdirt with golden shovels was completely ceremonial, as the actual work ofbrclearing the lot had been done beforehand with the help of a bulldozer andbrexcavator, which were still on site for the groundbreaking.


According to SantaquinbrCommunity Development Director Jason Bond, “This plan has been in the works forbrmany, many years.”


In 2011, Main Streetbrwas widened west of Interstate 15, and a traffic light was put in at 400 East.brThen, in 2014, a right-turn only lane for a new street, Orchard Lane, wasbradded, which will provide an easy approach to the site of the new store.brCurrent plans include the creation of a new street, 200 North, to allow betterbraccess for local residents.


And so, years of waiting by the citizens of Santaquin, andbryears of planning by city officials, are about to reach their culmination.brSantaquin will finally have its own grocery store. (Capellbris a Serve Daily contributor.)

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