Nebo district celebrates Native American Naat’áánii Day

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The Nebo Title VIbrNative American Indian Program recently held their 5th Annual Leadership Daybrfor their junior high and high school students and administration.


Naat’áánii in thebrNavajo language means “leader.” The root of this word means to plan, so Naat’áániibrDay teaches those to use their thinking and planning for leadership.


Attendees atbrNaat’áánii Day were able to hear from Sahar Khadejenoury, a TV/film producer,brdigital storyteller, former educator, as well as an advocate for NativebrAmerican rights within the entertainment industry.


“We are buildingbrleaders here in Nebo School District’s Indian Education program,” said programbrdirector, Eileen Quintana. “I am very grateful, happy and excited to work withbrsuch a great supportive team. Today, I had within our audience the students,bradministrators, and counselors from Nebo School District who have supported ourbrprogram. Not only did we have attendees within the district, but we hadbrimportant guests, the Director for Utah Division of Indian Affairs, ShirleebrSilversmith, and the Utah Indian Education Specialist, Dr. Harold Foster, frombrUtah State Board of Education.”


The Nebo Title VI is abrprogram helping youth within Nebo School District connect with one another,brwhile strengthening and empowering them for the future.


“Nebo SchoolbrDistrict’s Title VI team works continuously for the academic, social,bremotional, and cultural success of all Native American students,” said thebrSpecial Education/Federal Programs director, Mike Larsen


“This team coordinates with and serves alongside parents andbrfamilies in providing support and opportunities for students to participate inbrand learn from such as the annual Naat’áánii Leadership Day.” (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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The Nebo Title VIbrNative American Indian Program recently held their 5th Annual Leadership Daybrfor their junior high and high school students and administration.


Naat’áánii in thebrNavajo language means “leader.” The root of this word means to plan, so Naat’áániibrDay teaches those to use their thinking and planning for leadership.


Attendees atbrNaat’áánii Day were able to hear from Sahar Khadejenoury, a TV/film producer,brdigital storyteller, former educator, as well as an advocate for NativebrAmerican rights within the entertainment industry.


“We are buildingbrleaders here in Nebo School District’s Indian Education program,” said programbrdirector, Eileen Quintana. “I am very grateful, happy and excited to work withbrsuch a great supportive team. Today, I had within our audience the students,bradministrators, and counselors from Nebo School District who have supported ourbrprogram. Not only did we have attendees within the district, but we hadbrimportant guests, the Director for Utah Division of Indian Affairs, ShirleebrSilversmith, and the Utah Indian Education Specialist, Dr. Harold Foster, frombrUtah State Board of Education.”


The Nebo Title VI is abrprogram helping youth within Nebo School District connect with one another,brwhile strengthening and empowering them for the future.


“Nebo SchoolbrDistrict’s Title VI team works continuously for the academic, social,bremotional, and cultural success of all Native American students,” said thebrSpecial Education/Federal Programs director, Mike Larsen


“This team coordinates with and serves alongside parents andbrfamilies in providing support and opportunities for students to participate inbrand learn from such as the annual Naat’áánii Leadership Day.” (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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