Brother and sister collecting cans for local charities

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The crack, pop andbrfizz of a soda pop can is the universal symbol for “I’m about to drink somebrsugary, bubbly goodness.


However, when thatbrlast drop is gone, all you are left with is a can that you can do one of twobrthings with: throw it in the garbage, or recycle it.


Two sophomores frombrAmerican Leadership Academy are hoping you will choose the latter, but arebrtaking it a step further.


Zac and Lexie Webster,brwho are twin brother and sister from Spanish Fork, started collecting aluminumbrcans and bringing them to their grandparents’ home and cashing them in for abrlittle money after the cans had been recycled at the recycling center in


According to theirbrfather, James Webster, this was a fun thing for them to do.


“These two lovedbrsaving and collecting cans to get a little extra money,” he said.


“Recently, theybrthought that instead of taking the money themselves, that they would try tobrcollect more cans and donate the money they got from the recycling center tobrlocal charities.”


The Webster’s calledbrtheir efforts “Cans for Care,” and chose Tabitha’s Way in Spanish Fork and ThebrFood and Care Coalition in Provo as the beneficiaries of their newfoundbrorganization.


“We decided to do thisbrproject because it’s a great way to promote donating and service thoughbrrecycling,” Zac said.


“Our goal with this isbrthat we grow this project and have everyone participating. We want everyone tobrunderstand how important recycling really is. We want to make a difference inbrour community, and what better way to do it than to serve?”


Recently, the duo,brwith the support of American Leadership Academy for the use of venue, collectedbr175 pounds of cans, which is equivalent to 5,600 cans.


The amount of moneybrcollected after donating to the cans, was $56.50 to donate to the charities.brAnd while the Webster’s realize the amount didn’t add up to a lot, they arebrhoping that with the growth of their organization, it will soon add up to a lotbrmore.


“This is our first gobrat this, and we know that it will start out small,” James Webster said. “We arebrlooking to get the amount we just earned matched by local companies, so thisbrinitial amount could grow. Zac and Lexie are motivated, and I am proud of whatbrthey’ve done so far.”


Right now, “Cans forbrCare” has both drop-off and pick-up options for people to donate their cans


For more informationbron how to get involved, go to (Brown isbra Serve Daily contributor.)

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The crack, pop andbrfizz of a soda pop can is the universal symbol for “I’m about to drink somebrsugary, bubbly goodness.


However, when thatbrlast drop is gone, all you are left with is a can that you can do one of twobrthings with: throw it in the garbage, or recycle it.


Two sophomores frombrAmerican Leadership Academy are hoping you will choose the latter, but arebrtaking it a step further.


Zac and Lexie Webster,brwho are twin brother and sister from Spanish Fork, started collecting aluminumbrcans and bringing them to their grandparents’ home and cashing them in for abrlittle money after the cans had been recycled at the recycling center in


According to theirbrfather, James Webster, this was a fun thing for them to do.


“These two lovedbrsaving and collecting cans to get a little extra money,” he said.


“Recently, theybrthought that instead of taking the money themselves, that they would try tobrcollect more cans and donate the money they got from the recycling center tobrlocal charities.”


The Webster’s calledbrtheir efforts “Cans for Care,” and chose Tabitha’s Way in Spanish Fork and ThebrFood and Care Coalition in Provo as the beneficiaries of their newfoundbrorganization.


“We decided to do thisbrproject because it’s a great way to promote donating and service thoughbrrecycling,” Zac said.


“Our goal with this isbrthat we grow this project and have everyone participating. We want everyone tobrunderstand how important recycling really is. We want to make a difference inbrour community, and what better way to do it than to serve?”


Recently, the duo,brwith the support of American Leadership Academy for the use of venue, collectedbr175 pounds of cans, which is equivalent to 5,600 cans.


The amount of moneybrcollected after donating to the cans, was $56.50 to donate to the charities.brAnd while the Webster’s realize the amount didn’t add up to a lot, they arebrhoping that with the growth of their organization, it will soon add up to a lotbrmore.


“This is our first gobrat this, and we know that it will start out small,” James Webster said. “We arebrlooking to get the amount we just earned matched by local companies, so thisbrinitial amount could grow. Zac and Lexie are motivated, and I am proud of whatbrthey’ve done so far.”


Right now, “Cans forbrCare” has both drop-off and pick-up options for people to donate their cans


For more informationbron how to get involved, go to (Brown isbra Serve Daily contributor.)

Arianne Brown
Arianne Brown
Arianne Brown is a mom of nine who writes columns for many local and national publications. She currently resides in Payson, and enjoys looking for good happenings in her area and sharing them for others to read about. For more of her stories, search "A Mother's Write" on Facebook.

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