Clay Target

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Brian Beard, the president forbrUtah Scholastic Clay Target Program, announced the organization officially bebrchanged its name to Utah Youth Education in Shooting Sports (UTYESS) as of Nov.br19.


Beard explained that the namebrchange was being driven both internally and externally by potential sponsors,brand that the new name would more accurately reflect the evolving focus andbrstandards of the organization.


“It has been severalbryears now since we migrated away from the national Scholastic Clay TargetbrProgram and joined USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports. It is important forbrthe name of our organization to reflect who we truly are,” Beard said.


The Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program was founded in 2002 by Leon Robinson as a scholastic shotgunbrsports program for high school students. In 2012, the Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program merged away from the national SCTP program and joined USA YouthbrEducation in Shooting Sports. In the past few years, the program has seenbrtremendous growth in youth participation and the number of sponsors.


In 2016 the program had justbr62 participating members. Utah Youth Education in Shooting Sports is expectedbrto see 300 participating members in the 2019-2020 shooting season, ranging frombrelementary school through college.


The Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program had been branded as and was unofficially marketing itself asbrUtah Youth Education in Shooting Sports before the official name change wasbrannounced. While there is no indication yet of whether this will be the onlybrchange to the UTYESS image or just the first of many, representatives are firmbrin stating that all team aspects and the program’s core purpose and missionbrwill stay the same. Athletes, coaches and volunteers alike are optimistic aboutbrthe alterations.


Utah Youth Education inbrShooting Sports is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educatingbryouth in Utah about wildlife conservation and firearm safety and promotingbryouth shooting sports on a competitive and scholastic level throughout thebrstate. Its stated purpose is to provide training and guidance to the youthbrshooting programs of Utah, with the goal of developing self-confidence,brself-esteem, self-reliance, respect, personal discipline, responsibility,brcitizenship, teamwork, and sportsmanship through regular practice andbrcompetition at local, state, and national events. For more information on thebrUtah Youth Education in Shooting Sports program or to find a team near you,brvisit (Serve Dailybrsubmission by Brian Beard.)

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Brian Beard, the president forbrUtah Scholastic Clay Target Program, announced the organization officially bebrchanged its name to Utah Youth Education in Shooting Sports (UTYESS) as of Nov.br19.


Beard explained that the namebrchange was being driven both internally and externally by potential sponsors,brand that the new name would more accurately reflect the evolving focus andbrstandards of the organization.


“It has been severalbryears now since we migrated away from the national Scholastic Clay TargetbrProgram and joined USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports. It is important forbrthe name of our organization to reflect who we truly are,” Beard said.


The Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program was founded in 2002 by Leon Robinson as a scholastic shotgunbrsports program for high school students. In 2012, the Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program merged away from the national SCTP program and joined USA YouthbrEducation in Shooting Sports. In the past few years, the program has seenbrtremendous growth in youth participation and the number of sponsors.


In 2016 the program had justbr62 participating members. Utah Youth Education in Shooting Sports is expectedbrto see 300 participating members in the 2019-2020 shooting season, ranging frombrelementary school through college.


The Utah Scholastic ClaybrTarget Program had been branded as and was unofficially marketing itself asbrUtah Youth Education in Shooting Sports before the official name change wasbrannounced. While there is no indication yet of whether this will be the onlybrchange to the UTYESS image or just the first of many, representatives are firmbrin stating that all team aspects and the program’s core purpose and missionbrwill stay the same. Athletes, coaches and volunteers alike are optimistic aboutbrthe alterations.


Utah Youth Education inbrShooting Sports is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to educatingbryouth in Utah about wildlife conservation and firearm safety and promotingbryouth shooting sports on a competitive and scholastic level throughout thebrstate. Its stated purpose is to provide training and guidance to the youthbrshooting programs of Utah, with the goal of developing self-confidence,brself-esteem, self-reliance, respect, personal discipline, responsibility,brcitizenship, teamwork, and sportsmanship through regular practice andbrcompetition at local, state, and national events. For more information on thebrUtah Youth Education in Shooting Sports program or to find a team near you,brvisit (Serve Dailybrsubmission by Brian Beard.)

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