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Ladies in Action is abrnew women’s organization that recently launched in Provo. Its mission is tobrempower and uplift women through regular breakfast events where they get tobrconnect and help each other reach their goals.
The group is designedbrfor all women, from business owner to stay at home mom. During events those whobrattend have the opportunity to listen to keynote speakers and network. Ladiesbrin Action members love to support small businesses and add an aspect of fun bybrinviting vendors to come and offer booths. The purpose of the group isbrcommunity outreach, sharing the message that every woman should know to she isbrloved and has a place in the community. During events attendees put togetherbrlove baskets for nominees who can use some extra love and be invited into thebrcommunity of women helping other women.
Ladies in Action meet in Provo for Saturday morningbrbreakfasts periodically. Stay updated in our Ladies in Action Facebook groupbrfor upcoming events and ways that you can donate to the cause. Their motto isbr“We rise by lifting others.” (Serve Daily submission by DianabrGroesbeck)
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Ladies in Action is abrnew women’s organization that recently launched in Provo. Its mission is tobrempower and uplift women through regular breakfast events where they get tobrconnect and help each other reach their goals.
The group is designedbrfor all women, from business owner to stay at home mom. During events those whobrattend have the opportunity to listen to keynote speakers and network. Ladiesbrin Action members love to support small businesses and add an aspect of fun bybrinviting vendors to come and offer booths. The purpose of the group isbrcommunity outreach, sharing the message that every woman should know to she isbrloved and has a place in the community. During events attendees put togetherbrlove baskets for nominees who can use some extra love and be invited into thebrcommunity of women helping other women.
Ladies in Action meet in Provo for Saturday morningbrbreakfasts periodically. Stay updated in our Ladies in Action Facebook groupbrfor upcoming events and ways that you can donate to the cause. Their motto isbr“We rise by lifting others.” (Serve Daily submission by DianabrGroesbeck)