Schools FFA

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Spanish Fork Future Farmers ofbrAmerica recently returned from the 92nd National FFA Convention held inbrIndianapolis.


While there, students had thebropportunity to compete, listen to motivational speakers, attend workshops, talkbrto potential employers and schools, and learn more about agriculture thoughbrindustry tours. Eight students had the opportunity to compete in five differentbrcompetitions, where we were able to have some incredible success.


Livestock Evaluation team wasbrranked in the silver category. Students evaluated classes of livestock,brdefended their placings, made marketing and reproduction decisions and made decisionsbron which animals to place in their herd. The team was made up of CoriannebrMangelson, Russell Mangelson, Porter Olsen, and Brooke Sorensen.


Jesse Shepherd participated inbrthe Firestone and FFA art contest. He created a wooden quilt block featuringbrthe FFA emblem and Firestone logo. At convention he was recognized as thebrwinner of this contest, winning a $1,000 prize for our chapter. In addition,brJesse’s piece is being displayed at the Firestone headquarters.


Kacie Jones spent the week inbrinterviews trying to become a National FFA officer. She did a great job atbrrepresenting the state of Utah and we are proud of her for her efforts.


The Agriscience Fair programbrallows students to complete a science fair project in a field related tobragriculture. This summer 10 finalists in each of the divisions were named. Atbrconvention these finalists presented their projects to a group of judges.


Jesse Shepherd was third placebrin Division 3 Animal Science category, for his project dealing with nitrogenbrlevels in chicken manure based on the age of the bird. He will receive a cashbraward and medallion.


Russell Mangelson and AshleybrOlsen were named the winners in Division 4 Animal Science category for theirbrproject with feeding flax seed to turkeys. They will receive a cash award and abrmedallion.


The proficiency awardsbrrecognize outstanding student achievement in agribusiness gained throughbrestablishment of a new business, working for an existing company or otherwisebrgaining hands-on career experience. This summer Porter Olsen and Kyle Clarkbrwere announced as finalists making them top four in their respectivebrcategories.


While at convention they hadbrthe opportunity to interview and tell more about their projects. Porter Olsenbrwas named a runner up for this project with turkey research. Kyle Clark wasbrnamed the winner in his category for his project restoring tractors. This is abrmajor honor making Kyle one of the top 47 agriculture students in the nation.


Kacie Jones, Britton Redd,brStran Sorensen, and Jared Roach all received their American FFA degrees. Thisbrrequires them to productively invest money while working with an agriculturalbrjob or enterprise. In addition, they have to do community service and be activebrparticipants within the FFA. (Serve Daily submission by Kaylee Liddiard.)

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Spanish Fork Future Farmers ofbrAmerica recently returned from the 92nd National FFA Convention held inbrIndianapolis.


While there, students had thebropportunity to compete, listen to motivational speakers, attend workshops, talkbrto potential employers and schools, and learn more about agriculture thoughbrindustry tours. Eight students had the opportunity to compete in five differentbrcompetitions, where we were able to have some incredible success.


Livestock Evaluation team wasbrranked in the silver category. Students evaluated classes of livestock,brdefended their placings, made marketing and reproduction decisions and made decisionsbron which animals to place in their herd. The team was made up of CoriannebrMangelson, Russell Mangelson, Porter Olsen, and Brooke Sorensen.


Jesse Shepherd participated inbrthe Firestone and FFA art contest. He created a wooden quilt block featuringbrthe FFA emblem and Firestone logo. At convention he was recognized as thebrwinner of this contest, winning a $1,000 prize for our chapter. In addition,brJesse’s piece is being displayed at the Firestone headquarters.


Kacie Jones spent the week inbrinterviews trying to become a National FFA officer. She did a great job atbrrepresenting the state of Utah and we are proud of her for her efforts.


The Agriscience Fair programbrallows students to complete a science fair project in a field related tobragriculture. This summer 10 finalists in each of the divisions were named. Atbrconvention these finalists presented their projects to a group of judges.


Jesse Shepherd was third placebrin Division 3 Animal Science category, for his project dealing with nitrogenbrlevels in chicken manure based on the age of the bird. He will receive a cashbraward and medallion.


Russell Mangelson and AshleybrOlsen were named the winners in Division 4 Animal Science category for theirbrproject with feeding flax seed to turkeys. They will receive a cash award and abrmedallion.


The proficiency awardsbrrecognize outstanding student achievement in agribusiness gained throughbrestablishment of a new business, working for an existing company or otherwisebrgaining hands-on career experience. This summer Porter Olsen and Kyle Clarkbrwere announced as finalists making them top four in their respectivebrcategories.


While at convention they hadbrthe opportunity to interview and tell more about their projects. Porter Olsenbrwas named a runner up for this project with turkey research. Kyle Clark wasbrnamed the winner in his category for his project restoring tractors. This is abrmajor honor making Kyle one of the top 47 agriculture students in the nation.


Kacie Jones, Britton Redd,brStran Sorensen, and Jared Roach all received their American FFA degrees. Thisbrrequires them to productively invest money while working with an agriculturalbrjob or enterprise. In addition, they have to do community service and be activebrparticipants within the FFA. (Serve Daily submission by Kaylee Liddiard.)

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