Schools Hashtag

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Salem Hills High School, andbrthe school public relations person, Lori Cunningham, earned the Nebo #HashtagbrAward. This award is given to the school that communicates to their parents andbrstudents (in a variety of ways) the events and news items happening at school.


Salem Hills High has postedbrapproximately15 stories a month. Also, the school has more than 230 percent ofbrtheir student enrollment connected on social media to get the latest news frombrthe school. (Serve Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)






CUTLINE: AssistantbrSuperintendent Scott Wilson presents the award to Dean of Students, LoribrCunningham. Congratulations on a job well done!

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Salem Hills High School, andbrthe school public relations person, Lori Cunningham, earned the Nebo #HashtagbrAward. This award is given to the school that communicates to their parents andbrstudents (in a variety of ways) the events and news items happening at school.


Salem Hills High has postedbrapproximately15 stories a month. Also, the school has more than 230 percent ofbrtheir student enrollment connected on social media to get the latest news frombrthe school. (Serve Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)






CUTLINE: AssistantbrSuperintendent Scott Wilson presents the award to Dean of Students, LoribrCunningham. Congratulations on a job well done!

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