Schools Symphony

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Nebo School District’sbrfourth-grade performed alongside the Utah Symphony at the annual concert


Every fourth-grader, more thanbr2,600 students and their teachers, had the chance to attend this premierbrorchestral performance at Salem Hills High School. The students were deeplybrinvolved and well-behaved, according to Julie Christofferson, Nebo District’sbrart specialist.


“We are grateful to the manybrinvolved to pull off this magnificent production, including our transportationbrand nutrition departments; Salem Hills High student government, the stage crew,brdrama department, custodial staff, and administration. They all did a terrific jobbrof welcoming the Utah Symphony and the fourth-grade students,” Christoffersonbrsaid.


The Utah Symphony, under thebrdirection of Connor Covington, provided a beautiful, fun, and educationalbrconcert that aligned with the Utah State Core Music Standards. Teachers werebrprovided with educational materials to help prepare the students for thebrinspiring experience.


Due to the number ofbrfourth-grade students attending, two concerts were held. After the twobrconcerts, Covington provided a clinic for the Salem Hills High ChamberbrOrchestra.


At the performance, studentsbrlearned about the instrument families of the orchestra, tonal color and otherbrelements of music.


The Utah Symphony is one ofbronly 15 full-time professional orchestras in the United States and have beenbrproviding educational programs for schools for more than half a century.


“We are so fortunate to havebrthese amazing programs in our schools and are grateful to the ProfessionalbrOutreach Program in Schools, state legislature, board of education and otherbrgenerous donors who make these magical events possible,” Christofferson Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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Nebo School District’sbrfourth-grade performed alongside the Utah Symphony at the annual concert


Every fourth-grader, more thanbr2,600 students and their teachers, had the chance to attend this premierbrorchestral performance at Salem Hills High School. The students were deeplybrinvolved and well-behaved, according to Julie Christofferson, Nebo District’sbrart specialist.


“We are grateful to the manybrinvolved to pull off this magnificent production, including our transportationbrand nutrition departments; Salem Hills High student government, the stage crew,brdrama department, custodial staff, and administration. They all did a terrific jobbrof welcoming the Utah Symphony and the fourth-grade students,” Christoffersonbrsaid.


The Utah Symphony, under thebrdirection of Connor Covington, provided a beautiful, fun, and educationalbrconcert that aligned with the Utah State Core Music Standards. Teachers werebrprovided with educational materials to help prepare the students for thebrinspiring experience.


Due to the number ofbrfourth-grade students attending, two concerts were held. After the twobrconcerts, Covington provided a clinic for the Salem Hills High ChamberbrOrchestra.


At the performance, studentsbrlearned about the instrument families of the orchestra, tonal color and otherbrelements of music.


The Utah Symphony is one ofbronly 15 full-time professional orchestras in the United States and have beenbrproviding educational programs for schools for more than half a century.


“We are so fortunate to havebrthese amazing programs in our schools and are grateful to the ProfessionalbrOutreach Program in Schools, state legislature, board of education and otherbrgenerous donors who make these magical events possible,” Christofferson Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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