Professor of world religions speaks during Sons of Pioneers meeting

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The Mt. Nebo Chapterbrof the Sons of Utah Pioneers had Alonzo L. Gaskill as the guest speaker at itsbrmonthly dinner meeting in December.


Gaskill is a professorbrof World Religions, Evans Fellow, in the Office of Religious Outreach atbrBrigham Young University, and the title of his presentation was Church of JesusbrChrist of Latter-Day Saints Temple Symbols.


Gaskill has an amazingbrwealth of information on ancient and current religious practices throughout thebrworld, including their rituals, symbols, and clothing. He used to belong to thebrGreek Orthodox Church, and had a good understanding of the importance of thebrsymbolism in their ceremonies.


He expanded thatbrknowledge by studying religious ordinances, ceremonies, and symbols of otherbrchurches in the world, including the Old Testament. Gaskill was careful to onlybrcover public information that had been referenced by LDS church leaders aboutbrour temple ordinances, but the door to understanding was opened wide as hebrreferenced other religious traditions.


It was amazing to seebrparallels between LDS temple symbols and covenants as he explained otherbrreligious practices, both ancient and modern. The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sonsbrof Utah Pioneers meets monthly with their wives to enjoy a guest speaker and abrcatered meal. If anyone is interested in more information, call or email DanbrHowlett (801) 361-0108, (Serve Daily submission by LaRonbrTaylor.)

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The Mt. Nebo Chapterbrof the Sons of Utah Pioneers had Alonzo L. Gaskill as the guest speaker at itsbrmonthly dinner meeting in December.


Gaskill is a professorbrof World Religions, Evans Fellow, in the Office of Religious Outreach atbrBrigham Young University, and the title of his presentation was Church of JesusbrChrist of Latter-Day Saints Temple Symbols.


Gaskill has an amazingbrwealth of information on ancient and current religious practices throughout thebrworld, including their rituals, symbols, and clothing. He used to belong to thebrGreek Orthodox Church, and had a good understanding of the importance of thebrsymbolism in their ceremonies.


He expanded thatbrknowledge by studying religious ordinances, ceremonies, and symbols of otherbrchurches in the world, including the Old Testament. Gaskill was careful to onlybrcover public information that had been referenced by LDS church leaders aboutbrour temple ordinances, but the door to understanding was opened wide as hebrreferenced other religious traditions.


It was amazing to seebrparallels between LDS temple symbols and covenants as he explained otherbrreligious practices, both ancient and modern. The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sonsbrof Utah Pioneers meets monthly with their wives to enjoy a guest speaker and abrcatered meal. If anyone is interested in more information, call or email DanbrHowlett (801) 361-0108, (Serve Daily submission by LaRonbrTaylor.)

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