Schools – School Board

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Treygan Fusselman, a sixth-grade student at Mt. Loafer Elementary, started off the Nebo School Board meeting with the pledge.

Sarah Brunson addressed the Board of Education and thanked them for this opportunity to spotlight some of the notable things happening at Mt. Loafer and introduced the rest of the presentation.

School Community Council member, Tara Rasmussen, spoke about Mt. Loafer’s math and reading goals.

“Our school’s math goals for fourth through sixth-grade students will continue performing on grade level and/or making typical progress in mathematics. For reading, our goal this year for grades first through third-grade students will continue performing on grade level and/or making typical progress in reading,” she said.

Rasmussen listed the following for supporting the teachers:

1. Teachers will participate in staff development monthly to address any needs.

2. Technicians will be hired to provide early intervention to students.

3. Substitutes will be hired to provide “teacher teams” time to collaborate.

4. Mt. Loafer has technology in each classroom. Grades second through sixth grades have Chromebooks to use and grades kindergarten through first grades have iPads.

5. Mt. Loafer also uses Reflex math and Imagine Learning in the classroom.

Students are asked to complete 10 minutes of each program at home to ensure learning.

Chesni Clawson then spoke to the board, “I am a sixth-grade student council member at Mt. Loafer Elementary School in Salem. Over the past few years our school has been able to use a lot of new technology. A few weeks ago, Mr. Crockett our digital coach helped us put together a presentation for you demonstrating just three of the many ways we use technology to engage, enhance, and extend our learning in our classrooms. Please take the next three minutes to enjoy the video presentation we have prepared for you and thank you for letting us come and share something we are excited about at our school.”

After viewing the short three-minute video, the Nebo School Board of Education and audience heard from sixth-grade student council member, Peyton Haskell.

“As you were able to see, we love using technology in our classrooms. Right now, every second through sixth-grade class has their own class Chromebook lab along with several iPads and even touchscreen Chromebooks in kindergarten and first grades. We use them every single day in all subjects and feel like we are better students because of the access to technology,” Haskell said.

The board members were impressed with the sixth-graders confidence and mature presentations. (Serve Daily submission.)

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Treygan Fusselman, a sixth-grade student at Mt. Loafer Elementary, started off the Nebo School Board meeting with the pledge.

Sarah Brunson addressed the Board of Education and thanked them for this opportunity to spotlight some of the notable things happening at Mt. Loafer and introduced the rest of the presentation.

School Community Council member, Tara Rasmussen, spoke about Mt. Loafer’s math and reading goals.

“Our school’s math goals for fourth through sixth-grade students will continue performing on grade level and/or making typical progress in mathematics. For reading, our goal this year for grades first through third-grade students will continue performing on grade level and/or making typical progress in reading,” she said.

Rasmussen listed the following for supporting the teachers:

1. Teachers will participate in staff development monthly to address any needs.

2. Technicians will be hired to provide early intervention to students.

3. Substitutes will be hired to provide “teacher teams” time to collaborate.

4. Mt. Loafer has technology in each classroom. Grades second through sixth grades have Chromebooks to use and grades kindergarten through first grades have iPads.

5. Mt. Loafer also uses Reflex math and Imagine Learning in the classroom.

Students are asked to complete 10 minutes of each program at home to ensure learning.

Chesni Clawson then spoke to the board, “I am a sixth-grade student council member at Mt. Loafer Elementary School in Salem. Over the past few years our school has been able to use a lot of new technology. A few weeks ago, Mr. Crockett our digital coach helped us put together a presentation for you demonstrating just three of the many ways we use technology to engage, enhance, and extend our learning in our classrooms. Please take the next three minutes to enjoy the video presentation we have prepared for you and thank you for letting us come and share something we are excited about at our school.”

After viewing the short three-minute video, the Nebo School Board of Education and audience heard from sixth-grade student council member, Peyton Haskell.

“As you were able to see, we love using technology in our classrooms. Right now, every second through sixth-grade class has their own class Chromebook lab along with several iPads and even touchscreen Chromebooks in kindergarten and first grades. We use them every single day in all subjects and feel like we are better students because of the access to technology,” Haskell said.

The board members were impressed with the sixth-graders confidence and mature presentations. (Serve Daily submission.)

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