Eureka residents honor its veterans with Appreciation Day

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Veterans AppreciationbrDay in Eureka was Nov. 2. Sponsored by the Tintic Elks Lodge #711, it was thebrlargest and most successful they ever held.


Three hundred and tenbrpeople attended from all over Utah and everyone appeared to have a great time.


In addition to a hugebrlunch buffet that ran almost the length of the large Elks Hall meeting room.


The food was suppliedbrby two local restraints, B’s Diner and Porters.


The Dodge ChallengerbrClub of Utah brought to town a parking lot full of spectacular automobles. Anybrveterans that wanted a ride in one of these muscle cars got one.


The Back countrybrOff-road Adventure Rally club brought a variety of Jeeps, SUV’s and pickups,broffering free trail rides into the mining district behind town.


ATV rides were alsobravailable.


It was a beautiful daybrfor getting out into the mountains and touring roads around Eureka.  


In the afternoon,brthere was a Flag raising ceremony in front of the Eureka City Hall. The TinticbrHigh School Band provided the music.


The crowd of people inbrthe street watching this ceremony must have been at least a couple hundredbrpeople.


Then the crowd movedbrinto a large meeting room at the Elks lodge for presentation of the Utah ColdbrWar Victory Medal.


It is given forbrhonorable service in the United States military (including Reservists andbrNational Guard) between Sept. 2, 1945 and Dec. 26, 1991. Twelve medals werebrpresented during this ceremony.


A raffle was the finalbrevent of the afternoon.


This VeteranbrAppreciation Day was a success for all who participated because of ourbrcommunity values and gratitude for our great country. A country that is free tobrcreate a public appreciation for our military people who have served ourbrcountry.


The friendship and comradery were heartwarming to witness. (Helmickbris a Serve Daily contributor.)

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Veterans AppreciationbrDay in Eureka was Nov. 2. Sponsored by the Tintic Elks Lodge #711, it was thebrlargest and most successful they ever held.


Three hundred and tenbrpeople attended from all over Utah and everyone appeared to have a great time.


In addition to a hugebrlunch buffet that ran almost the length of the large Elks Hall meeting room.


The food was suppliedbrby two local restraints, B’s Diner and Porters.


The Dodge ChallengerbrClub of Utah brought to town a parking lot full of spectacular automobles. Anybrveterans that wanted a ride in one of these muscle cars got one.


The Back countrybrOff-road Adventure Rally club brought a variety of Jeeps, SUV’s and pickups,broffering free trail rides into the mining district behind town.


ATV rides were alsobravailable.


It was a beautiful daybrfor getting out into the mountains and touring roads around Eureka.  


In the afternoon,brthere was a Flag raising ceremony in front of the Eureka City Hall. The TinticbrHigh School Band provided the music.


The crowd of people inbrthe street watching this ceremony must have been at least a couple hundredbrpeople.


Then the crowd movedbrinto a large meeting room at the Elks lodge for presentation of the Utah ColdbrWar Victory Medal.


It is given forbrhonorable service in the United States military (including Reservists andbrNational Guard) between Sept. 2, 1945 and Dec. 26, 1991. Twelve medals werebrpresented during this ceremony.


A raffle was the finalbrevent of the afternoon.


This VeteranbrAppreciation Day was a success for all who participated because of ourbrcommunity values and gratitude for our great country. A country that is free tobrcreate a public appreciation for our military people who have served ourbrcountry.


The friendship and comradery were heartwarming to witness. (Helmickbris a Serve Daily contributor.)

Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick wrote for Serve Daily and many other publications throughout the last decade. He passed away in July 2024, just a short time after his 80th birthday. Share your favorite article of his and have a blessed day.

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