Nebo School District hosts annual Extravaganza

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By Linda Lewis


For the ninth consecutive year, Nebo School District hosted its Nebo District Extravaganza at Diamond Fork Junior High School recently. The event includes every junior high special needs child in the Nebo district. This year there were 91 special needs participants from a total of eight schools. These students participated in carnival-type events along with a few track and field activities. Some of the events included face painting, fishing for prizes, gunny sack races, decorating maracas, a ring toss and a target toss. They were also able to compete in two of the following: high jump, 100 meter, softball throw and running long jump. A girl and boy who scored the highest of these events were presented medals in an awards presentation toward the end of the event. Approximately 135 students from all the schools served as peer tutors. These peer tutors volunteered as timers and score keepers and escorted the participants to each of their activities. 


The organizers and coordinators of the event were Coach Linda Lewis and Jo Edan Parker.


What started out as an intramural event at Mapleton Junior High School where these ladies were teaching has turned into a district-wide, well-anticipated event. This is truly one of the most successful activities these students will be involved in during the year.


Much thanks go to Diamond Fork Junior High School, principal Troy Petersen, PE teacher Kacey Larsen and her second and third PE classes as well as all those who served as peer tutors. What goes on at the extravaganza will linger in the hearts for all those involved for many years to come.

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By Linda Lewis


For the ninth consecutive year, Nebo School District hosted its Nebo District Extravaganza at Diamond Fork Junior High School recently. The event includes every junior high special needs child in the Nebo district. This year there were 91 special needs participants from a total of eight schools. These students participated in carnival-type events along with a few track and field activities. Some of the events included face painting, fishing for prizes, gunny sack races, decorating maracas, a ring toss and a target toss. They were also able to compete in two of the following: high jump, 100 meter, softball throw and running long jump. A girl and boy who scored the highest of these events were presented medals in an awards presentation toward the end of the event. Approximately 135 students from all the schools served as peer tutors. These peer tutors volunteered as timers and score keepers and escorted the participants to each of their activities. 


The organizers and coordinators of the event were Coach Linda Lewis and Jo Edan Parker.


What started out as an intramural event at Mapleton Junior High School where these ladies were teaching has turned into a district-wide, well-anticipated event. This is truly one of the most successful activities these students will be involved in during the year.


Much thanks go to Diamond Fork Junior High School, principal Troy Petersen, PE teacher Kacey Larsen and her second and third PE classes as well as all those who served as peer tutors. What goes on at the extravaganza will linger in the hearts for all those involved for many years to come.

Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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