Groundbreaking for Wyndham Microtel Hotel in Springville

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r Mayor Wilford, Councilmen Chris Creer, Chris Sorensen, Craig Conover, other City officials are shown with Hotel owner Doug Ellis at the ground breaking of the Wyndham Microtel hotel in Springville.  Mayor Clyde and  Doug Ellis offered remarks on the new facility. This will be the fourth hotel located in Springville. The hotel  is planned to be completed in March 2017 and will have 63 rooms on four stories. All rooms at the Microtel will have queen sized beds. The hotel is located on the west side of I-15 near the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Planned daily rates are expected to be $89.00.

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r Mayor Wilford, Councilmen Chris Creer, Chris Sorensen, Craig Conover, other City officials are shown with Hotel owner Doug Ellis at the ground breaking of the Wyndham Microtel hotel in Springville.  Mayor Clyde and  Doug Ellis offered remarks on the new facility. This will be the fourth hotel located in Springville. The hotel  is planned to be completed in March 2017 and will have 63 rooms on four stories. All rooms at the Microtel will have queen sized beds. The hotel is located on the west side of I-15 near the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Planned daily rates are expected to be $89.00.

Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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