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r The Nebo School Board of Education has appointed Ryan Pitcher as procurement officer for the district.
Pitcher opened the new Meadow Brook Elementary School in Springville last year andrserved as principal at Rees Elementary School for five years and at Barnett Elementary School for six years. He received the Outstanding Employee recognition in 2005 and Teacher of the Year for Barnett in 2003. Pitcher received his master’s degree in education administration in 2004 and his bachelor’s degree in family science in 2000, both from Brigham Young University.
As a principal, Pitcher was honored as a PEAK Award winner, Rookie Principal of the Year and Principal Mentor of the Year by Nebo School District. He was also honored as Instructional Leader of the Year all by the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals.
A colleague said, “Ryan Pitcher is an exceptional leader. I am impressed with his dedication to his profession. You can always find Ryan out and about in the school. He wants to be where the action is. He can be found playing ball during recess, collaborating with teachers about curriculum or meeting with parents to discuss the needs of the school. Ryan seeks the input of all school stakeholders as he implements school improvement. One of the aspects that I have enjoyed the most about Ryan’s leadership is his willingness to roll up his sleeves and go to work. If there is a job to be completed, Ryan is in the center of the action.”
One of Pitcher’s mottos is: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Pitcher said, “I have loved my time as an elementary school principal in Nebo School District and have been blessed to associate with amazing students, teachers, parents and principals here for the past 16 years. I am looking forward to this new adventure.”
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r The Nebo School Board of Education has appointed Ryan Pitcher as procurement officer for the district.
Pitcher opened the new Meadow Brook Elementary School in Springville last year andrserved as principal at Rees Elementary School for five years and at Barnett Elementary School for six years. He received the Outstanding Employee recognition in 2005 and Teacher of the Year for Barnett in 2003. Pitcher received his master’s degree in education administration in 2004 and his bachelor’s degree in family science in 2000, both from Brigham Young University.
As a principal, Pitcher was honored as a PEAK Award winner, Rookie Principal of the Year and Principal Mentor of the Year by Nebo School District. He was also honored as Instructional Leader of the Year all by the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals.
A colleague said, “Ryan Pitcher is an exceptional leader. I am impressed with his dedication to his profession. You can always find Ryan out and about in the school. He wants to be where the action is. He can be found playing ball during recess, collaborating with teachers about curriculum or meeting with parents to discuss the needs of the school. Ryan seeks the input of all school stakeholders as he implements school improvement. One of the aspects that I have enjoyed the most about Ryan’s leadership is his willingness to roll up his sleeves and go to work. If there is a job to be completed, Ryan is in the center of the action.”
One of Pitcher’s mottos is: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
Pitcher said, “I have loved my time as an elementary school principal in Nebo School District and have been blessed to associate with amazing students, teachers, parents and principals here for the past 16 years. I am looking forward to this new adventure.”