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r By Shalee H. TaylorrThe lights are strung, the snow is sparkling all around, and there’s a bit more cheer in peoples’ countenances. It truly is “the most wonderful time of the year.” And with this magical time derives love and charity, something the Spanish Fork Rotary is continually focusing their efforts on all year long. This season the Spanish Fork Rotary has teamed up with Nebo School District’s Dragon Pantry for the third year in a row, to provide clothing and food for those students and families in our educational community.
![The shelves at the Dragon Pantry. rotary]()
The Dragon Pantry is a program based at Landmark High School in Nebo School District. Its purpose is to collect clothes, coats, hygienic supplies, and food to give to students and their families in the district. The Dragon Pantry was started in 2014 by Monica Hullinger. Monica works in student services as a social worker and has been employed with Nebo for 15 years. She is passionate about the pantry and students in need.
“It’s a great opportunity for our kids at Landmark to get involved. The students organize and prepare the items that come to the pantry through generous donors,” Monica Hullinger explained.
Tracy Frandsen, current President of the Spanish Fork Rotary said, “It’s amazing. People don’t recognize that we have needs like hygiene, toothpaste, toothbrushes . . . things that we just take for granted.” We are grateful for The Dragon Pantry and the Spanish Fork Rotary’s Secret Santa and for their efforts in giving back to our community. It truly is a Merry Christmas in Nebo School District.
The Spanish Fork Rotary Club is participating this year by gathering items for “Secret Santa” and donating it to the Dragon Pantry. The club members buy and collect needed items from individuals and businesses. Nebo District employees also donate generously to the Dragon Panty.
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r By Shalee H. TaylorrThe lights are strung, the snow is sparkling all around, and there’s a bit more cheer in peoples’ countenances. It truly is “the most wonderful time of the year.” And with this magical time derives love and charity, something the Spanish Fork Rotary is continually focusing their efforts on all year long. This season the Spanish Fork Rotary has teamed up with Nebo School District’s Dragon Pantry for the third year in a row, to provide clothing and food for those students and families in our educational community.
![The shelves at the Dragon Pantry. rotary]()
The Dragon Pantry is a program based at Landmark High School in Nebo School District. Its purpose is to collect clothes, coats, hygienic supplies, and food to give to students and their families in the district. The Dragon Pantry was started in 2014 by Monica Hullinger. Monica works in student services as a social worker and has been employed with Nebo for 15 years. She is passionate about the pantry and students in need.
“It’s a great opportunity for our kids at Landmark to get involved. The students organize and prepare the items that come to the pantry through generous donors,” Monica Hullinger explained.
Tracy Frandsen, current President of the Spanish Fork Rotary said, “It’s amazing. People don’t recognize that we have needs like hygiene, toothpaste, toothbrushes . . . things that we just take for granted.” We are grateful for The Dragon Pantry and the Spanish Fork Rotary’s Secret Santa and for their efforts in giving back to our community. It truly is a Merry Christmas in Nebo School District.
The Spanish Fork Rotary Club is participating this year by gathering items for “Secret Santa” and donating it to the Dragon Pantry. The club members buy and collect needed items from individuals and businesses. Nebo District employees also donate generously to the Dragon Panty.