The Power of Teamwork

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r By Julie Hall for My Story Matters

My Story Matters is all about the individual narrative and that every story matters. We give people a platform to recall, recount, record reframe their story. We celebrate the individual’s triumph and struggles. These values are what drew me to My Story Matters. I champion and live these values.

What I didn’t expect is that teamwork plays such a vital role in giving individuals this platform. Every book that is created is the result of teamwork. Our entire team is dedicated to their portion of the work and completing their part.

Every book begins with children and families being willing to share their stories. Community partners who open up their facilities to help us share these individual’s stories. Board Members and staff coordinating event and supervising pre and post needs. Interns working in our office with day to day needs. Volunteers who donate their time and talents to make these events successful. This list could continue on for pages and I am sure I would leave someone off the list.

I am amazed daily at the great number of people who dedicate their time and talent to aid us in our mission. I will be forever grateful that I have learned we are more alike than we are different and through teamwork, we can reframe our individual story and our human story.

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r By Julie Hall for My Story Matters

My Story Matters is all about the individual narrative and that every story matters. We give people a platform to recall, recount, record reframe their story. We celebrate the individual’s triumph and struggles. These values are what drew me to My Story Matters. I champion and live these values.

What I didn’t expect is that teamwork plays such a vital role in giving individuals this platform. Every book that is created is the result of teamwork. Our entire team is dedicated to their portion of the work and completing their part.

Every book begins with children and families being willing to share their stories. Community partners who open up their facilities to help us share these individual’s stories. Board Members and staff coordinating event and supervising pre and post needs. Interns working in our office with day to day needs. Volunteers who donate their time and talents to make these events successful. This list could continue on for pages and I am sure I would leave someone off the list.

I am amazed daily at the great number of people who dedicate their time and talent to aid us in our mission. I will be forever grateful that I have learned we are more alike than we are different and through teamwork, we can reframe our individual story and our human story.

Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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