Nebo Teachers of the Year 2018 – 2019

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Nebo School District Teacher of the Year – Laurie Hansen-Salem Hills High



teacher of the year
Nebo Teacher of the Year Laurie Hansen is surprised by their students.rPhoto: Nebo School District


“Laurie is an outstanding teacher. She runs a preschool that teaches real-life skills, is the most popular class with students, and has grown to be one of the best programs in the state. Laurie organized a New York City trip that students say was a life-changing experience because students were introduced to what life is outside of Utah County. Laurie works long hours and is always available to help a student reach their full potential. A student said, ‘Mrs. Hansen spends every day giving, serving, and inspiring; yet remains humble. She shows students how to reach any goal and climb any mountain. She is a friend to the friendless, a guide to the lost, and a supporter of the weak. Mrs. Hansen inspires students to make their dreams a reality!’”



Susan Anderson-Diamond Fork Junior High



 “Susan’s love and extensive knowledge of literature has no rival. Her students are captivated by her enthusiasm for reading. Ms. Anderson cares deeply about her students’ successes in both school and life. Every year Susan writes a personalized birthday song and performs it for her students and faculty. She is preparing her students for the ACT two years before they are required to take it. She uses music, blogs, web quests, videos, memes, and a variety of other technology to relate to her students. She works nights at a youth home for troubled girls. Susan is an exemplary role model, a woman of character and integrity.”



Rebecca Clement-Mapleton Junior High



“Rebecca is a kind, compassionate, and positive person as well as a highly dedicated teacher. She creates amazing classroom culture where students feel valued and cared for and respond by learning at high levels. She values all students and connects very well with them regardless of backgrounds, cultural differences, or disabilities. Rebecca has a way of embracing the uniqueness that is within each of us and celebrating the differences that make us who we are.” 



Mary Stoneman-Mt. Nebo Junior High



“Mary has tremendous wisdom and insight. She focuses on what is best for students, and her heart is truly in the right place. Mary speaks with confidence and with conviction that has helped influence and shape our other teacher leaders with our major adoption changes of our Discovery model and with revamping our intervention flex period called Prowl Time. Mrs. Stoneman provides activities that makes learning fun and exciting. She doesn’t let students get behind and teaches in a way that students understand and feel important.”



Travis Hatch-Payson Junior High



“Travis has compassion for students and a passion for student learning. He works hard to help students reach their potential no matter where they are academically. Travis spent a lot of personal time teaching a less confident resource teacher how to teach math. It was inspiring to watch them teach together. His students know he cares about them, and they act accordingly. Travis is an expert working with students, parents, and teachers. His talent, combined with his work ethic, and genuine care and concern for students make him one of our most valued teachers.”



Nikki Mendenhall-Salem Junior High



“Nikki is a positive mentor for teachers and looks for ways to support them in their teaching. She is a driving force behind the collaboration that is happening here. Nikki is positive, energetic, and loving. She co-supervises the student body officers and pushes her students to do their best with assignments, tests, and behavior. Students know she truly cares about them. One mother said that the turning point for her children in having success was because Ms. Mendenhall taught them that they matter beyond the classroom. As students exit her classroom, Nikki regularly reminds each of them, ‘You matter!’”



Jaimie Dannelly-Spanish Fork Junior High



“Jaimie is an excellent teacher, and her positive influence and presence with our students is fantastic. She has tremendous ability in organizational and interpersonal skills. Jaimie makes each student feel involved and a special part of her class. I’m amazed at how closely connected she is to each student and differentiates her instruction to meet the diverse learning abilities and needs of each student. No wonder students are so excited to be in one of her classes.”



Natalie Luke-Springville Junior High



“Natalie knows how to draw the best out of students; and through her unending efforts, help them succeed in class. She is a caring person and is concerned about the students’ needs and feelings. This year Natalie was asked to teach a foods class to our severe special needs behavior unit. She created an educational and inspiring experience for those students every day. She is a wonderful role model, especially when impressionable teenagers need a positive, respected role model. Ms. Luke’s number one priority is her students.”



Natalie Grant-Advanced Learning Center



“Natalie is proficient at working with students to help them understand confusing medical terms and vocabulary through hands-on learning activities. She is the first faculty member to arrive and the last to leave at the end of the day. Ms. Grant can be found at the end of the day working with a student who may be struggling. She truly cares about her students and their successes. She is delightful and students really enjoy her class and teaching style. Ms. Grant elevates the professionalism and knowledge level at the Advanced Learning Center.”



Chelsie Young-Landmark High



“Chelsie is an amazing teacher and so much fun. One student said, ‘She makes students feel like she has known them forever. I learned so much in her class and have never been more focused and learned so much in all my schooling.’ Chelsie is organized and ensures higher order thinking. She sets standards high, and students step up to that level. Chelsie maintains positivity, variety, and stability with the students. She is flexible, creative, and a leader among our teachers. Chelsie is a positive role model and respected by her coworkers and students.”



Eric Hyer-Maple Mountain High



“Eric in an incredible teacher and leader, who is very passionate about every aspect of his job. He is genuine and cares about the individual student. He works well with students who struggle and creates a classroom where students want to attend. Mr. Hyer holds high standards and expectations for students to rise up and feel accomplishment. He teaches the importance of being on time and being engaged (don’t be distracted by a cell phone). Eric inspires students to get involved in high school. Students say Mr. Hyer is trustworthy, compassionate, and a man of great character.”



Janean Thomas-Payson High



“Janean is fantastic! She creates magic in her classroom and culture here at PHS. Students are happily engaged in learning, sewing, and discussing childhood concepts. Janean develops an inviting, warm, positive, and energetic classroom that instills a love for children and creating. She is affectionately known as ‘Mama T’. Janean is an outstanding cheer coach and builds positive relationships. She inspires them to do their best in academics and in life. Janean’s attitude, confidence, creativity, and deep understanding of student learning is remarkable.”



Laurie Hansen-Salem Hills High



“Laurie is an outstanding teacher. She runs a preschool that teaches real-life skills, is the most popular class with students, and has grown to be one of the best programs in the state. Laurie organized a New York City trip that students say was a life changing experience because students were introduced to what life is outside of Utah County. Laurie works long hours and is always available to help a student reach their full potential. A student said, ‘Mrs. Hansen spends every day giving, serving, and inspiring; yet remains humble. She shows students how to reach any goal and climb any mountain. She is a friend to the friendless, a guide to the lost, and a supporter of the weak. Mrs. Hansen inspires students to make their dreams a reality!’”



Kathryn Roberts-Spanish Fork High



“Kathryn has been an amazing teacher. She works tirelessly for all of her students and goes the extra mile in helping her talented art students compete and showcase their art throughout the community. Kathryn is a caring and helpful educator. She works hard to help the whole school and is always the first person to offer her assistance to anyone in need. Kathryn is an amazing teacher and an even more amazing person.”



Susan Langford-Springville High



“Susan is one of the most dedicated teachers, and her passion for student learning and instructional effectiveness are unmatched. Susan started from scratch and wrote a math textbook that other teachers use in the district. She spends each summer revising and refining her curriculum. Susan cares deeply about the success of her students. One student said, ‘She is one of my favorite teachers! She always made sure I understood and was willing to help me after school.’ Her love and concern for students is evident whether she is talking to students in the hallway, attending activities, assisting students in an after-school math lab, or teaching one of her classes.”



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Nebo School District Teacher of the Year – Laurie Hansen-Salem Hills High



teacher of the year
Nebo Teacher of the Year Laurie Hansen is surprised by their students.rPhoto: Nebo School District


“Laurie is an outstanding teacher. She runs a preschool that teaches real-life skills, is the most popular class with students, and has grown to be one of the best programs in the state. Laurie organized a New York City trip that students say was a life-changing experience because students were introduced to what life is outside of Utah County. Laurie works long hours and is always available to help a student reach their full potential. A student said, ‘Mrs. Hansen spends every day giving, serving, and inspiring; yet remains humble. She shows students how to reach any goal and climb any mountain. She is a friend to the friendless, a guide to the lost, and a supporter of the weak. Mrs. Hansen inspires students to make their dreams a reality!’”



Susan Anderson-Diamond Fork Junior High



 “Susan’s love and extensive knowledge of literature has no rival. Her students are captivated by her enthusiasm for reading. Ms. Anderson cares deeply about her students’ successes in both school and life. Every year Susan writes a personalized birthday song and performs it for her students and faculty. She is preparing her students for the ACT two years before they are required to take it. She uses music, blogs, web quests, videos, memes, and a variety of other technology to relate to her students. She works nights at a youth home for troubled girls. Susan is an exemplary role model, a woman of character and integrity.”



Rebecca Clement-Mapleton Junior High



“Rebecca is a kind, compassionate, and positive person as well as a highly dedicated teacher. She creates amazing classroom culture where students feel valued and cared for and respond by learning at high levels. She values all students and connects very well with them regardless of backgrounds, cultural differences, or disabilities. Rebecca has a way of embracing the uniqueness that is within each of us and celebrating the differences that make us who we are.” 



Mary Stoneman-Mt. Nebo Junior High



“Mary has tremendous wisdom and insight. She focuses on what is best for students, and her heart is truly in the right place. Mary speaks with confidence and with conviction that has helped influence and shape our other teacher leaders with our major adoption changes of our Discovery model and with revamping our intervention flex period called Prowl Time. Mrs. Stoneman provides activities that makes learning fun and exciting. She doesn’t let students get behind and teaches in a way that students understand and feel important.”



Travis Hatch-Payson Junior High



“Travis has compassion for students and a passion for student learning. He works hard to help students reach their potential no matter where they are academically. Travis spent a lot of personal time teaching a less confident resource teacher how to teach math. It was inspiring to watch them teach together. His students know he cares about them, and they act accordingly. Travis is an expert working with students, parents, and teachers. His talent, combined with his work ethic, and genuine care and concern for students make him one of our most valued teachers.”



Nikki Mendenhall-Salem Junior High



“Nikki is a positive mentor for teachers and looks for ways to support them in their teaching. She is a driving force behind the collaboration that is happening here. Nikki is positive, energetic, and loving. She co-supervises the student body officers and pushes her students to do their best with assignments, tests, and behavior. Students know she truly cares about them. One mother said that the turning point for her children in having success was because Ms. Mendenhall taught them that they matter beyond the classroom. As students exit her classroom, Nikki regularly reminds each of them, ‘You matter!’”



Jaimie Dannelly-Spanish Fork Junior High



“Jaimie is an excellent teacher, and her positive influence and presence with our students is fantastic. She has tremendous ability in organizational and interpersonal skills. Jaimie makes each student feel involved and a special part of her class. I’m amazed at how closely connected she is to each student and differentiates her instruction to meet the diverse learning abilities and needs of each student. No wonder students are so excited to be in one of her classes.”



Natalie Luke-Springville Junior High



“Natalie knows how to draw the best out of students; and through her unending efforts, help them succeed in class. She is a caring person and is concerned about the students’ needs and feelings. This year Natalie was asked to teach a foods class to our severe special needs behavior unit. She created an educational and inspiring experience for those students every day. She is a wonderful role model, especially when impressionable teenagers need a positive, respected role model. Ms. Luke’s number one priority is her students.”



Natalie Grant-Advanced Learning Center



“Natalie is proficient at working with students to help them understand confusing medical terms and vocabulary through hands-on learning activities. She is the first faculty member to arrive and the last to leave at the end of the day. Ms. Grant can be found at the end of the day working with a student who may be struggling. She truly cares about her students and their successes. She is delightful and students really enjoy her class and teaching style. Ms. Grant elevates the professionalism and knowledge level at the Advanced Learning Center.”



Chelsie Young-Landmark High



“Chelsie is an amazing teacher and so much fun. One student said, ‘She makes students feel like she has known them forever. I learned so much in her class and have never been more focused and learned so much in all my schooling.’ Chelsie is organized and ensures higher order thinking. She sets standards high, and students step up to that level. Chelsie maintains positivity, variety, and stability with the students. She is flexible, creative, and a leader among our teachers. Chelsie is a positive role model and respected by her coworkers and students.”



Eric Hyer-Maple Mountain High



“Eric in an incredible teacher and leader, who is very passionate about every aspect of his job. He is genuine and cares about the individual student. He works well with students who struggle and creates a classroom where students want to attend. Mr. Hyer holds high standards and expectations for students to rise up and feel accomplishment. He teaches the importance of being on time and being engaged (don’t be distracted by a cell phone). Eric inspires students to get involved in high school. Students say Mr. Hyer is trustworthy, compassionate, and a man of great character.”



Janean Thomas-Payson High



“Janean is fantastic! She creates magic in her classroom and culture here at PHS. Students are happily engaged in learning, sewing, and discussing childhood concepts. Janean develops an inviting, warm, positive, and energetic classroom that instills a love for children and creating. She is affectionately known as ‘Mama T’. Janean is an outstanding cheer coach and builds positive relationships. She inspires them to do their best in academics and in life. Janean’s attitude, confidence, creativity, and deep understanding of student learning is remarkable.”



Laurie Hansen-Salem Hills High



“Laurie is an outstanding teacher. She runs a preschool that teaches real-life skills, is the most popular class with students, and has grown to be one of the best programs in the state. Laurie organized a New York City trip that students say was a life changing experience because students were introduced to what life is outside of Utah County. Laurie works long hours and is always available to help a student reach their full potential. A student said, ‘Mrs. Hansen spends every day giving, serving, and inspiring; yet remains humble. She shows students how to reach any goal and climb any mountain. She is a friend to the friendless, a guide to the lost, and a supporter of the weak. Mrs. Hansen inspires students to make their dreams a reality!’”



Kathryn Roberts-Spanish Fork High



“Kathryn has been an amazing teacher. She works tirelessly for all of her students and goes the extra mile in helping her talented art students compete and showcase their art throughout the community. Kathryn is a caring and helpful educator. She works hard to help the whole school and is always the first person to offer her assistance to anyone in need. Kathryn is an amazing teacher and an even more amazing person.”



Susan Langford-Springville High



“Susan is one of the most dedicated teachers, and her passion for student learning and instructional effectiveness are unmatched. Susan started from scratch and wrote a math textbook that other teachers use in the district. She spends each summer revising and refining her curriculum. Susan cares deeply about the success of her students. One student said, ‘She is one of my favorite teachers! She always made sure I understood and was willing to help me after school.’ Her love and concern for students is evident whether she is talking to students in the hallway, attending activities, assisting students in an after-school math lab, or teaching one of her classes.”



Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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