Puppy Love

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After an injury left Marquise Young unable to serve in the military, she decided to provide a service to those who had

Marquise Young loved horses all her life, learned to ride very well, and was a good horse trainer. That lead to a job working with horses at the Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, where they hold horse events regularly. 

She even rode in the medieval jousting arena at the Young Lavender Farm. Eventually she rose to the position of manager of the horses. Her real ambition was to join the Army and serve her country as other members of her family have done.

When a horse fell on her and broke her pelvis, Marquise was under medical care for seven months. She realized that she would be medically disqualified from joining the Army. She remained interested in following army stories and became particularly interested in the challenges brought on by post-traumatic stress disorder on many of our young men and women in the military service. 

Since Marquise could not serve in the military, she wanted to do something for a soldier with PTSD and decided that a puppy might be therapeutic.

After asking several individuals and organizations to recommend a former soldier with PTSD, she selected who she thought would be most worthy and a good care keeper of a puppy. 

The recipient of a new puppy would be Ryan Stream. A veteran that readers of Serve Daily are familiar with from his personal story to the contribution he has made in our community. Ryan and his family were excited about the puppy offer and traveled to ranch property south of Genola to meet Marquise and select a puppy of his choice. The puppy is a mixed bread King Shephard and Belgian Malinoi. 

Ryan selected the runt of the litter, a female that he wants to name Aurora. The thoughtfulness of Marquise and her concern for our soldiers returning from combat experiences with PTSD is appreciated. 

This reiterates the goodness in the hearts of the wonderful people in our community. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)

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After an injury left Marquise Young unable to serve in the military, she decided to provide a service to those who had

Marquise Young loved horses all her life, learned to ride very well, and was a good horse trainer. That lead to a job working with horses at the Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, where they hold horse events regularly. 

She even rode in the medieval jousting arena at the Young Lavender Farm. Eventually she rose to the position of manager of the horses. Her real ambition was to join the Army and serve her country as other members of her family have done.

When a horse fell on her and broke her pelvis, Marquise was under medical care for seven months. She realized that she would be medically disqualified from joining the Army. She remained interested in following army stories and became particularly interested in the challenges brought on by post-traumatic stress disorder on many of our young men and women in the military service. 

Since Marquise could not serve in the military, she wanted to do something for a soldier with PTSD and decided that a puppy might be therapeutic.

After asking several individuals and organizations to recommend a former soldier with PTSD, she selected who she thought would be most worthy and a good care keeper of a puppy. 

The recipient of a new puppy would be Ryan Stream. A veteran that readers of Serve Daily are familiar with from his personal story to the contribution he has made in our community. Ryan and his family were excited about the puppy offer and traveled to ranch property south of Genola to meet Marquise and select a puppy of his choice. The puppy is a mixed bread King Shephard and Belgian Malinoi. 

Ryan selected the runt of the litter, a female that he wants to name Aurora. The thoughtfulness of Marquise and her concern for our soldiers returning from combat experiences with PTSD is appreciated. 

This reiterates the goodness in the hearts of the wonderful people in our community. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)

Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick wrote for Serve Daily and many other publications throughout the last decade. He passed away in July 2024, just a short time after his 80th birthday. Share your favorite article of his and have a blessed day.

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