MMHS state science champions for third year in a row

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r Nebo School District’s Maple Mountain High School science students are state champions for the third year in a row.

Teacher Kyle Miller said, “We’re kind of excited over here in science land. These kids pulled it off again and won state for the third year in a row. They’ve really worked hard this year.”

The students planned to compete at the National Science Competition in Ohio on May 19 and 20.

Following are the winners in each category:rAstronomy: First place, Delaney Rose and Logan MarksrChemistry Lab: Fifth place, Michaela McCown and Sierra JensenrDisease Detectives: Second place, Michaela McCown and Kaden CallrDynamic Planet: Second place, Bruce Gill and Delaney RoserElectric Vehicle: Fourth place, Adam Syndergaard, Josh Green and Ryan SmithrGame On: First place, Michaela McCown and Joey DelaCruzrHelicopters: Fifth place, Adam Syndergaard and Anne DallonrHovercraft: Fourth place, Philip Richey and Adam SyndergaardrHydrogeology: Third place, Joey DelaCruz and Bruce GillrMaterials Science: Fourth place, Heidyn von Bose and Josh GreenrOptics: Third place, Gideon Hale and Philip RicheyrRemote Sensing: Second place, Sierra Jensen and Michaela McCownrRobot Arm: First place, Heidyn von Bose and Josh GreenrRocks and Minerals: First place, Delaney Rose and Joey DelaCruzrTowers: Second place, Bruce Gill and Heidyn von BoserWind Power: First place, Philip Richey and Anne DallonrWrite it Do it: Second place, Julie Carlson and Sierra Jensen


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r Nebo School District’s Maple Mountain High School science students are state champions for the third year in a row.

Teacher Kyle Miller said, “We’re kind of excited over here in science land. These kids pulled it off again and won state for the third year in a row. They’ve really worked hard this year.”

The students planned to compete at the National Science Competition in Ohio on May 19 and 20.

Following are the winners in each category:rAstronomy: First place, Delaney Rose and Logan MarksrChemistry Lab: Fifth place, Michaela McCown and Sierra JensenrDisease Detectives: Second place, Michaela McCown and Kaden CallrDynamic Planet: Second place, Bruce Gill and Delaney RoserElectric Vehicle: Fourth place, Adam Syndergaard, Josh Green and Ryan SmithrGame On: First place, Michaela McCown and Joey DelaCruzrHelicopters: Fifth place, Adam Syndergaard and Anne DallonrHovercraft: Fourth place, Philip Richey and Adam SyndergaardrHydrogeology: Third place, Joey DelaCruz and Bruce GillrMaterials Science: Fourth place, Heidyn von Bose and Josh GreenrOptics: Third place, Gideon Hale and Philip RicheyrRemote Sensing: Second place, Sierra Jensen and Michaela McCownrRobot Arm: First place, Heidyn von Bose and Josh GreenrRocks and Minerals: First place, Delaney Rose and Joey DelaCruzrTowers: Second place, Bruce Gill and Heidyn von BoserWind Power: First place, Philip Richey and Anne DallonrWrite it Do it: Second place, Julie Carlson and Sierra Jensen


Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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