r By Gail HalladayrDeseret Industries, a nonprofit chain of thrift stores featuring vocational training and donation processing, will open a new retail store this month in Springville at 655 S. 1750 West. A three-day grand opening celebration is planned for October 27-29 including live music and giveaways.
“We receive donations covering every possible household need,” said Marketing Manager Brooke Yates. “With so many new items added to the inventory daily, it’s a treasure hunt each time our customers visit. We often have people lined up at our doors when we open each morning.”
The retailer brings far more than just quality secondhand goods to the area as well. The Springville location has nearly 50,000 square feet of space and plans to employ 130 to 140 associates as part of its career training program. Associates develop skills and obtain certifications enabling them to advance to permanent, full-time employment in a variety of fields and careers.
The retail store – the 21st DI store in Utah – will offer thousands of new goods placed on the floor each day. Its quality secondhand merchandise will include clothing, shoes, dishes, furniture, home decor items, children’s books and toys, tools, outdoor play equipment and much more. Donations will be received daily (except on Sundays) and all donations are tax-deductible. Items not sold in the store may be used for humanitarian relief or recycled.
The Springville store hours will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The store will be closed Sundays.
The schedule of grand opening events is as follows:
Thursday, Oct: 27
Starting at 9 a.m.: Music, free tote bags to first 500 people and photos with BYU’s Cosmo the Cougar
9:30 a.m.: Official ribbon cutting with Springville community leaders, Cosmo the Cougar and the Springville High School marching band
Friday, Oct. 28
Starting at 10 a.m.: Music and free tote bags to first 500 people
7 to 8 p.m.: Mini-concert with James the Mormon, including a meet-and-greet
Saturday, Oct. 29
Starting at 10 a.m.: Music and free tote bags to first 500 people; photos with Cosmo from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Deseret Industries is a nonprofit program owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In addition to thrift store operations, Deseret Industries also functions as an employment-training center. At each of its 45 locations, Deseret Industries employs and provides on-the-job vocational training to residents of local communities across the western United States, giving them the skills, certifications and training to succeed in a wide variety of career fields. For more information, visit https://deseretindustries.org.