May 2021 Issue 108
Is it a Restaurant, or a Bank?
My 4-year-old isn’t the only one who gets excited when he sees an excavator and construction equipment breaking ground on a new business. And...
Honoring Local Women Veterans
What do you think of when you hear the word Veteran? For most people, they see the elderly gentleman with a baseball cap that...
Heroes Who Perform the Most Thankless Job in the World
No one decides to become a mother so she can get recognition. The truth is, motherhood generally doesn’t come with accolades, awards or bonuses...
A Mother’s Love and Sacrifice
When I was young, my family was not well off financially. In addition to not having much money, very little of our money was...
Mortal Kombat will bring back childhood nostalgia, even if it’s not kid friendly
When I was younger, I played a lot of video games on a PC and the original PlayStation console. One of the games that...
Student makes a comeback from season-ending injury
n the Fall of 2019, Spanish Fork High School tennis player, Kylie Smith, was experiencing some chronic pain in her elbow that would result...
Payson Woman Starts Business After Helping Friends During Pandemic
It was early March 2020 when Keely Ballard of Payson went shopping. On her list was flour from Costco. Having a background in the...