November 2022 - Issue 126

Top Ten Thanksgiving Foods

Food is an important part of almost all the holidays we celebrate (except for President’s Day, where nothing is as important as a good...

Fast food: big business that’s only getting bigger

By Kelly MartinezWould it surprise you to learn that in the United States alone there are 197,653 fast food restaurants that collectively generated $296.6...

The Benefits of Gratitude

It’s that time of year again. You know, the time when the leaves are falling, the temperatures are dropping, and “Turkey Day” is looming...

Month of Scares to Month of Giving

Hello Community,From the month of scares  onto the month of giving and gratitude we have a wonderful month ahead of us.There will be so...

Special Education teacher receives award for excellence

Nate Melton, a special education teacher at Maple Grove and Spanish Fork High, was recognized at the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD)...

Outdoor Adventure: Ice, Mixed & Dry/Tool Climbing

Human powered action sports or human powered alternative sports, are usually characterized by high speeds and high risk. These sports can include; mountain biking,...

Nebo School District gives Award to SFHS educator

Hashtag Award! No, not #award, but an actual “Hashtag Award” was given to Spanish Fork High School’s PR Ambassador Seth Spainwater.This award is given...

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