r By Stephanie Stoker
Do you ever wake up out of sorts, or at the end of your rope, or do you notice you are not living in your best self? The Integrating Wellness Center has opened its doors for our community and for the world. We offer a variety of personal health services in person, by phone, and video chat. We invite you to come in and investigate what we have to offer you.
We have come to learn that the magnificent, human body works intimately with each of its separate parts. Each of us is made up of physical, mental, emotional, and chemical bodies which are integrated and work together. When any of these bodies are out of balance, then symptoms and challenges arise. Consequently, our approach to optimal wellness is an investigation in the whole-body approach to well-being and vitality.
Those who experience chronic or acute pain, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, or trauma are candidates for our work. We teach you how to overcome your imbalances or your “dis-ease.”
Wednesday nights we offer a wide range of instructional classes perfect for young and old, male and female. Here are a few of the classes we offer:r• Preparation and incorporation of raw foods and plants in your dietr• Coaching and mentoring for hard-wiring for happiness and successr• Tibetan sound healing bowlsr• Organic essential oilsr• Emotional release techniques effective and simple enough for children and teenagersr• Flexibility, mobility, and strength trainingr• Subconscious mind reframing for optimal success
We have been fortunate enough to have acquired cutting-edge technologies that identify blocks and imbalances in your system. Use of these technologies gives the appropriate frequencies for your system to clean, clear, organize, and recalibrate your heart, mind, and body into an integrated whole.
The owners, Tam Pendleton and Stephanie Stoker, have a combined 40 years’ experience and training in the health and wellness field. They have been privileged to have been mentored and taught by world-renowned mentors, therapists, and health practitioners. They are committed to improving the lives and well-being of those they serve with love and compassion through the use of the most advanced, cutting-edge technologies available.
The Integrated Wellness Center is located at 511 South Main Street, Springville, UT. Call for your appointment at 801-319-9290.