Expressing Gratitude Through Service

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One of my favorite quotes is “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles,” by author Jane Fuller who went on to say that “Most people don’t leverage gratefulness to its fullest potential.”

Gratitude is a feeling, and putting that feeling in action is service. Gratitude is the acknowledging of what you have. Service is the offering of what you have to others. Service in your community empowers that community to bless you further. 

An article published by the Greater Good Center at UC Berkeley listed the following 10 reasons why people give:

Giving makes people happy

By far the number one reason people give was for the joy of it. Many studies have shown higher levels of happiness, satisfaction and contentment in people who volunteered their time.

Giving improves mental health

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests acts of generosity are associated with reduced psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. 

Giving can help us live longer

A 2012 Health Psychology study found that people who volunteer regularly actually live longer. 

Giving increases our sense of connectedness

Giving makes us feel connected to those we give to, but it also makes those who receive feel more connected taking away from the sense of isolation that hard times can often create.

Giving is contagious

As we can often see in the “pay it forward” campaigns all around us,  people who experience kindness are more likely to treat others with kindness.

Giving tells people what you value in the world

A scarcity worldview makes giving difficult, an abundance viewpoint makes not giving impossible.

Giving increases confidence

Giving moves our focus away from our own weaknesses and needs to allow us to see ourselves in light of our strengths and what we have to offer. 

Giving makes people more likable

We all want to be valued, seen as trustworthy, and appreciated. When done so for truly genuine purposes, giving allows even the most difficult curmudgeon to show a softer, kinder side. 

Giving allows you the opportunity to look at your blessings differently

People who give see their blessings as resources to share. Time, money, abilities, knowledge, and so much more are means to bless the lives of others as well as themselves.

Giving makes life more meaningful

For many people, there is a disconnect between who we think we are and who we actually are – in other words, what we say we value and what our actions show we value. Giving is a way to show ourselves and the people who matter most in our lives what is truly important to us.  

We have so many opportunities in our community to serve and every one of them is an opportunity to impact our own lives as well as the lives of those we serve. 

Tabitha’s Way

Tabitha’s Way provides free food & essential life-sustaining supplies to anyone in need with in our local communities. They are always in need to food items and volunteers.

Feed the Kids

Feed the Kids pays lunch balances for students in local schools. 

On their website you can volunteer, donate and nominate a child in need.

You can follow their podcast, Give Back, on all your favorite podcast platforms.

Habitat for Humanity

They always need volunteers of all skill levels, whether it’s on a construction site, at the Habitat ReStore, in our office, serving on a committee, or at one of our events.

Bennion Central Utah Veteran’s Home

Always need people to come in and visit with the veterans. 

Make cards or write letters, either to specific veterans or you can make up general blank cards that they can give to family members for birthdays, holidays or whenever they see a need.

They try to give every vet that comes in a homemade quilt, something that feels personal and helps them not feel like they are in an institution. So they are always in need of more quilts.

Nebo Legacy Mentoring Program (Nebo School District)

A fun and rewarding program, Nebo Legacy Mentoring matches a carefully screened adult volunteer (Mentor) with a child (Mentee) in a school environment. Building a positive, new friendship helps to strengthen a Mentee’s self-esteem and school performance.

Reading & Donating Books to Local Elementary Schools 

Nebo Reads is a program where every month Nebo Comfort Heating & Air’s employees read to students and donate a copy of the book we read for each of them to take home. 

This is our company’s favorite program. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stopped in the store, the movies, at dinner or other places around town by kids telling their parents, “That’s the book lady!” Yep, makes my day every time!

Assisted Living Facilities

Facilities such as Elk Ridge Assisted Living and others need volunteers to come read with residents, visit them and share your talents (musical, art, games, etc.) is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.

You can work with other organizations on their projects and put your own projects on the site to have others join you.

Find service opportunities that speak to you and your family. Take advantage of these opportunities to leverage your gratefulness for the blessings in your life to its fullest potential. By doing so, you will see the power giving has to change your life, your family, your community and the world.

Submitted by Lorene Moore

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One of my favorite quotes is “A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles,” by author Jane Fuller who went on to say that “Most people don’t leverage gratefulness to its fullest potential.”

Gratitude is a feeling, and putting that feeling in action is service. Gratitude is the acknowledging of what you have. Service is the offering of what you have to others. Service in your community empowers that community to bless you further. 

An article published by the Greater Good Center at UC Berkeley listed the following 10 reasons why people give:

Giving makes people happy

By far the number one reason people give was for the joy of it. Many studies have shown higher levels of happiness, satisfaction and contentment in people who volunteered their time.

Giving improves mental health

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests acts of generosity are associated with reduced psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression. 

Giving can help us live longer

A 2012 Health Psychology study found that people who volunteer regularly actually live longer. 

Giving increases our sense of connectedness

Giving makes us feel connected to those we give to, but it also makes those who receive feel more connected taking away from the sense of isolation that hard times can often create.

Giving is contagious

As we can often see in the “pay it forward” campaigns all around us,  people who experience kindness are more likely to treat others with kindness.

Giving tells people what you value in the world

A scarcity worldview makes giving difficult, an abundance viewpoint makes not giving impossible.

Giving increases confidence

Giving moves our focus away from our own weaknesses and needs to allow us to see ourselves in light of our strengths and what we have to offer. 

Giving makes people more likable

We all want to be valued, seen as trustworthy, and appreciated. When done so for truly genuine purposes, giving allows even the most difficult curmudgeon to show a softer, kinder side. 

Giving allows you the opportunity to look at your blessings differently

People who give see their blessings as resources to share. Time, money, abilities, knowledge, and so much more are means to bless the lives of others as well as themselves.

Giving makes life more meaningful

For many people, there is a disconnect between who we think we are and who we actually are – in other words, what we say we value and what our actions show we value. Giving is a way to show ourselves and the people who matter most in our lives what is truly important to us.  

We have so many opportunities in our community to serve and every one of them is an opportunity to impact our own lives as well as the lives of those we serve. 

Tabitha’s Way

Tabitha’s Way provides free food & essential life-sustaining supplies to anyone in need with in our local communities. They are always in need to food items and volunteers.

Feed the Kids

Feed the Kids pays lunch balances for students in local schools. 

On their website you can volunteer, donate and nominate a child in need.

You can follow their podcast, Give Back, on all your favorite podcast platforms.

Habitat for Humanity

They always need volunteers of all skill levels, whether it’s on a construction site, at the Habitat ReStore, in our office, serving on a committee, or at one of our events.

Bennion Central Utah Veteran’s Home

Always need people to come in and visit with the veterans. 

Make cards or write letters, either to specific veterans or you can make up general blank cards that they can give to family members for birthdays, holidays or whenever they see a need.

They try to give every vet that comes in a homemade quilt, something that feels personal and helps them not feel like they are in an institution. So they are always in need of more quilts.

Nebo Legacy Mentoring Program (Nebo School District)

A fun and rewarding program, Nebo Legacy Mentoring matches a carefully screened adult volunteer (Mentor) with a child (Mentee) in a school environment. Building a positive, new friendship helps to strengthen a Mentee’s self-esteem and school performance.

Reading & Donating Books to Local Elementary Schools 

Nebo Reads is a program where every month Nebo Comfort Heating & Air’s employees read to students and donate a copy of the book we read for each of them to take home. 

This is our company’s favorite program. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stopped in the store, the movies, at dinner or other places around town by kids telling their parents, “That’s the book lady!” Yep, makes my day every time!

Assisted Living Facilities

Facilities such as Elk Ridge Assisted Living and others need volunteers to come read with residents, visit them and share your talents (musical, art, games, etc.) is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.

You can work with other organizations on their projects and put your own projects on the site to have others join you.

Find service opportunities that speak to you and your family. Take advantage of these opportunities to leverage your gratefulness for the blessings in your life to its fullest potential. By doing so, you will see the power giving has to change your life, your family, your community and the world.

Submitted by Lorene Moore

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