A Letter to the Community about Creating Heart Warming Moments

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Dear Friend,

It’s Me, Donna. In a few days it will be Christmas. By the time you read this, we’ll be into the new year. As I sit to write this message to all of you, I am heartbroken. Even so, my light remains strong.

For the past year, I have been on a journey of healing and self-discovery. In many ways, this has been the worst year of my life. I have suffered through much heartache and pain (both physically and emotionally).

As my journey continues, and the heartache remains, I am frequently reminded of the beauty and value of moments. In order to navigate this journey, I have learned (and adapted) to living my life in moments.

In the midst of challenges and pain, I have had moments of peace, love, comfort, joy, and friendship – where the bond is strong even though I may never see some of these people again. It is within these moments where healing occurs!

These moments of healing provide me with the strength and resilience to continue moving forward, to maintain hope, and to continue to believe in the goodness of others – even as my heart aches from those I have loved and trusted who have hurt me on this journey.

As I’ve traveled this crooked path with its many painful twists and turns, I have found ways to express gratitude in order to maintain an open heart and to lead with kindness.

I’ve realized that a moment of gratitude shared with someone has priceless meaning. I call it “Heartwarming”.

Heartwarming is a moment of kindness that feels so good, it warms your heart. It leaves an impression of love and goodness. Even on your worst day, a moment of heartwarming creates a space in time that feels good. These become memories that can be drawn upon when needed.

I also have moments each day sharing hand written cards and notes with strangers wherever I go. These moments let others know the beauty, value, and incredible, positive difference we can all make and experience in a moment

If you’re lonely, heartbroken, grieving, or struggling in some way, I encourage you to go to the nearest Dollar Tree and buy a package of 6 blank cards for a dollar. Write up some words of encouragement or gratitude. Pass these out to a friend, a neighbor, a cashier at a local grocery store, someone waiting on you at a restaurant, or even strangers.

I promise, your broken heart will have a few moments of healing in this process. You’ll give yourself a gift of love through sharing love. You’ll have a moment of peace. The smile you create for another will be felt in your soul- even if only for a few moments.

These heartwarming moments make a difference! As the message is shared, the positive experience created has a profound effect not only on the giver of kindness, but also on all those involved through receiving, witnessing, and sharing.

When people know they are appreciated and valued, they most often pay it forward immediately in the moment with smiles or a hug. Sometimes, even with tears. There’s a connection created. This is what we all need! These are the moments that are priceless!

These are the moments where a bond is created. This is the value of the moment! The value is in the connection! We all have time for these moments!

Have you ever found yourself smiling at a stranger? The value of a genuine smile provides a moment of human connection. Moments through smiles can be created and expressed throughout each day. This can take place anywhere! The value of a smile can be felt. A genuine smile is a gift! Your smile is heartwarming!

There’s also value in small acts of kindness like allowing someone in front of you in line, or stopping to let a car pass through. These are simple ways to show others they matter. It also feels good.

As the new year begins, please remember the value of moments and make it your resolution to create moments of heartwarming on a regular basis. This profound shift happens in the heart through the soul. This is a feeling! It is life changing and it is beautiful!

This is the beauty that has sustained me during the darkest days of the worst year of my life. I will be forever grateful for these moments of heartwarming. This keeps my light strong!

Always remember, KINDNESS MATTERS. Love is love however it shows up!

Happy New Year!

By Donna

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Dear Friend,

It’s Me, Donna. In a few days it will be Christmas. By the time you read this, we’ll be into the new year. As I sit to write this message to all of you, I am heartbroken. Even so, my light remains strong.

For the past year, I have been on a journey of healing and self-discovery. In many ways, this has been the worst year of my life. I have suffered through much heartache and pain (both physically and emotionally).

As my journey continues, and the heartache remains, I am frequently reminded of the beauty and value of moments. In order to navigate this journey, I have learned (and adapted) to living my life in moments.

In the midst of challenges and pain, I have had moments of peace, love, comfort, joy, and friendship – where the bond is strong even though I may never see some of these people again. It is within these moments where healing occurs!

These moments of healing provide me with the strength and resilience to continue moving forward, to maintain hope, and to continue to believe in the goodness of others – even as my heart aches from those I have loved and trusted who have hurt me on this journey.

As I’ve traveled this crooked path with its many painful twists and turns, I have found ways to express gratitude in order to maintain an open heart and to lead with kindness.

I’ve realized that a moment of gratitude shared with someone has priceless meaning. I call it “Heartwarming”.

Heartwarming is a moment of kindness that feels so good, it warms your heart. It leaves an impression of love and goodness. Even on your worst day, a moment of heartwarming creates a space in time that feels good. These become memories that can be drawn upon when needed.

I also have moments each day sharing hand written cards and notes with strangers wherever I go. These moments let others know the beauty, value, and incredible, positive difference we can all make and experience in a moment

If you’re lonely, heartbroken, grieving, or struggling in some way, I encourage you to go to the nearest Dollar Tree and buy a package of 6 blank cards for a dollar. Write up some words of encouragement or gratitude. Pass these out to a friend, a neighbor, a cashier at a local grocery store, someone waiting on you at a restaurant, or even strangers.

I promise, your broken heart will have a few moments of healing in this process. You’ll give yourself a gift of love through sharing love. You’ll have a moment of peace. The smile you create for another will be felt in your soul- even if only for a few moments.

These heartwarming moments make a difference! As the message is shared, the positive experience created has a profound effect not only on the giver of kindness, but also on all those involved through receiving, witnessing, and sharing.

When people know they are appreciated and valued, they most often pay it forward immediately in the moment with smiles or a hug. Sometimes, even with tears. There’s a connection created. This is what we all need! These are the moments that are priceless!

These are the moments where a bond is created. This is the value of the moment! The value is in the connection! We all have time for these moments!

Have you ever found yourself smiling at a stranger? The value of a genuine smile provides a moment of human connection. Moments through smiles can be created and expressed throughout each day. This can take place anywhere! The value of a smile can be felt. A genuine smile is a gift! Your smile is heartwarming!

There’s also value in small acts of kindness like allowing someone in front of you in line, or stopping to let a car pass through. These are simple ways to show others they matter. It also feels good.

As the new year begins, please remember the value of moments and make it your resolution to create moments of heartwarming on a regular basis. This profound shift happens in the heart through the soul. This is a feeling! It is life changing and it is beautiful!

This is the beauty that has sustained me during the darkest days of the worst year of my life. I will be forever grateful for these moments of heartwarming. This keeps my light strong!

Always remember, KINDNESS MATTERS. Love is love however it shows up!

Happy New Year!

By Donna

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