3 Types of Dogs

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There are three types of dogs regardless of breed or mix.

A dog that will be fine in the average home

A dog that will be fine in the average home with basic obedience training and limited supervision. This dog can just hang out with you.

A dog that will be fine in a more structured home

A dog that will be fine in a more structured home with advanced obedience training and substantial supervision. This dog needs work to do.

A dog that needs strict obedience training

A dog that needs strict obedience training, constant supervision, and massive amounts of daily exercise. This dog will go crazy without leadership, attention, and hardcore exercise.

Most of the problems with your dog are due to picking the wrong dog for your lifestyle. Shop for a dog with the same care and attention you give to shopping for a new car. Remember, this is not an impulse buy with a return policy. It’s a 10-20 year commitment to care-for, train, and love a living, sentient being.

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There are three types of dogs regardless of breed or mix.

A dog that will be fine in the average home

A dog that will be fine in the average home with basic obedience training and limited supervision. This dog can just hang out with you.

A dog that will be fine in a more structured home

A dog that will be fine in a more structured home with advanced obedience training and substantial supervision. This dog needs work to do.

A dog that needs strict obedience training

A dog that needs strict obedience training, constant supervision, and massive amounts of daily exercise. This dog will go crazy without leadership, attention, and hardcore exercise.

Most of the problems with your dog are due to picking the wrong dog for your lifestyle. Shop for a dog with the same care and attention you give to shopping for a new car. Remember, this is not an impulse buy with a return policy. It’s a 10-20 year commitment to care-for, train, and love a living, sentient being.

Sara Baker
Sara Bakerhttps://bakersacresk9academy.com/
Hi! My name is Sara Baker. I'm a passionate wife, mother of two ridiculously adorable girls, and small-business owner: Bakers Acres K9 Academy and Thriving Dog Trainer Academy. Together with my family in Springville, Utah, we teach dog owners how to train their dogs; supervise a modest, in-home, doggy airbnb; and coach new dog trainers all over the world everything they need to know and do to go from barely surviving to thriving. If you need help with annoying behaviors like barking, jumping, and stealing food, or are concerned about dangerous behaviors like separation anxiety, biting your kids, jumping fences, or chasing cars, then please contact us! The family that trains together, stays together!

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